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P2 stories

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Dear all,
another point regarding P2:

I have a native dataset indexed in P2 with 107.4 153.4 162.5 beta=95.2.
I just collected now a derivative one and both indexing programs tried,
mosflm and denzo, just permit me to index it in the setting corresponding
to the diagonals, 95.1 154.4 103.4 beta=113.23.
If you apply the reindexing recommended in the reindex.doc, that is, to
pass h k l to h/2 - l/2; k; h/2 + l/2, the cell determined by reindex
is 54.71  154.43   82.88   90.00   95.24   90.00, that is, corresponds
to the values of a/2 and c/2 of the theoretically values for reindexing.
If I reindex using h - l, k, h + 2, better said, h + 2; -k; h - l 
I get the values 109.4 154.4 165.8 beta=95.2 that seem to be the
right ones adjusted to the native dataset. However in this latter case,
after sorting, scala claims just to have 50 % completeness of the
original one.
Therefore, how should one proceed ? Reindex with 
 h k l to h/2 - l/2; k; h/2 + l/2 and then change the cell values to
the souble values for a and c ?
Anything else ?

I guess it would be really very helpful in future if autoindexing could
be "obliged" in a certain setting...

Thanks a lot in advnace to all for your help,


                 *              F.X. Gomis-Rueth              *
                 * Centre  d'Investigacions i Desenvolupament *
                 *                  C.S.I.C.                  *
                 *       Carrer Jordi Girona, 18 - 26         *
                 *          08034 Barcelona (Spain)           *
                 *        Tel.:(+34-93) 400 61 00 ext. 269    *
                 *        Fax.:(+34-93) 204 59 04             *
                 *        e-mail: xgrcri@cid.csic.es          *
                 *  homepage: http://www.cid.csic.es/~xgrcri  *