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Re: xplor to mtz format

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SFTOOLS also reads multi-line XPLOR files. Just type

read filename.xpl
{answer some questions about unit cell dimension & symmetry)
write filename.mtz

Note: if your XPLOR file does not have a .xpl filename extention, let's
say you use .hkl, you would have to type: read xpl filename.hkl

For a generic formatted reflection file which may include character data
columns and multiple line reflections, but should have no headers and each
reflection should have the same format, you can use

read fmt filename.hkl
{answer some questions about unit cell, symmetry, and column types)
write filename.mtz

The program will sort out the FORTRAN format string for you which saves
human errors.

Other fileformats that can be read and written are:

 MTZ   CCP4 format
 MDF   old BIOMOL format
 SND   BIOMOL ascii format
 XPL   XPLOR format
 TNT   TNT format
 31    PHASES short and long binary formats
 FIN   Xtalview fin-format
 PHS   Xtalview phs-format
 DF    Xtalview double fin-format
 FMT   File in arbitrary ASCII format
