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Re: [ccp4bb]: CCP4 on MS Windows OS

> Alun,
> I got the .exe self-extracting version for Win2K, installed it as "adminstrator"
> on Win2K, after installing first the Tcl/Tk and Blt pre-builts. Seemed to
> install fine, defined all the environment variables, programs,etc.
> I logged out and logged back in as "david" (power user)
> I then ran ccp4i off the "Start" menu, and it told me I had to define "HOME" (it
> thought it was c:\david, which did not exist). So I defined HOME (C:\User
> Files\David; does exist) and tried ccp4i again. This time it gave this error
> message:
> couldn't read file "C/Program Files/PX/CCP4/CCP4nt4_1_1b/ccp4i/etc/types.def",

"whats wrong?" = its the spaces in the file names. sigh.... I have
actually just compiled a new version of ccp4 for win and hoped to have it
out today... might now be next week as ive just hit some problems and im
away tomorrow and maybe friday in york. anyhow to solve "some" of your
problems try the following fix:

replace the C/Program Files/PX/CCP4/CCP4nt4_1_1b/ccp4i/bin/system.tcl with
the file ive included here. its only a one line change but allows
spaces in some paths....

the problem arises in that W2000 seems to save paths in its registry in 
the 'proper' way with all the spaces etc. WinNT does not - it saves them
in the truncated dos manner eg "program files" becomes "progra~1" so thats
why I have not come accross the problem under testing on WinNT. 

I also know that this problem comes up when you try to open a browser from
ccp4i (eg by right clicking) - this is one of the problems that is
delaying me!

Let me know if you hit any more problems - I am contactable even if out of
the office!
Alun Ashton,   awa@ccp4.ac.uk    Tel: +44 1925 603528
CCP4,          ccp4@ccp4.ac.uk   Fax: +44 1925 603825
Daresbury Lab,  Daresbury,  Warrington,  UK,  WA4 4AD
# CCP4Interface
#     This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the
#     CCP4 licence agreement as `Part ii)' software.  See the conditions
#     in the CCP4 manual for a copyright statement.
# This script is run first by all CCP4 interface programs 
# It sets up some basic system dependent functions (mostly 
# to do with file handling and operating system functions) 
# and then runs the script whose name is passed to it on the 
# command line
# Liz Potterton Mar97

proc WarningMessage { message { args {} }   } {
  global warning_message_flag
  global system

# Minimal WarningMessage proc to output info from NT
# There is another version of this proc in util_windows.tcl
# which will get used after util_windows.tcl has been sourced
# NB util_windows.tcl is NOT sourced when running script so 
# will always default ot this version

# If called from a script then just output to a log file
#  if { [GetSystemVar task_log_file] != "" } {
#    WriteToLog "$message"
#  } elseif { $system(OPSYS) == "UNIX" } {
#    puts "$message"
#    return
#  }

  set title "Warning"
  set w .warning_message
  set help_file ""
  set button_text "Dismiss"
  set stop 1
  set transient 0
  set command "warning_message_command chooseopt dismiss"

  set nargs [llength $args]; set n 0
  while { $n < $nargs } {
    set comd [lindex $args $n]
    if { $comd == "-help" } {
      incr n; set help_file [lindex $args $n]
    } elseif { $comd == "-title" } {
      incr n; set title [lindex $args $n]
    } elseif { $comd == "-nostop" } {
      set stop 0
    } elseif { $comd == "-transient" } {
      set transient 1
    } elseif { $comd == "-button" } {
      incr n; set button_text [lindex $args $n]
    } elseif { $comd == "-command" } {
      incr n; append command "; [lindex $args $n]"
    incr n

# If there is already a warning mesage up then just add in the extra message
  if { [catch {winfo exists .warning_message} winfo_exists] } {
    puts "$message"

  if { !$winfo_exists } {
    set w .warning_message
    toplevel $w
    wm title $w "Warning Message"
    wm iconname $w  Warning
    frame $w.f1; pack $w.f1 
    label $w.f1.text \
	-wraplength "15 c" \
	-justify left \
	-text "$message"
    frame $w.f1.b
    pack $w.f1.text $w.f1.b -side top
    button $w.f1.b.b1 -text Dismiss -command "$command"
    pack $w.f1.b.b1

    catch "grab $w"

  wm deiconify $w
  catch "grab $w"
  vwait warning_message_flag

proc warning_message_command { arrayname returntext } {
  global warning_message_flag
  catch "grab release .warning_message"
  destroy .warning_message
  set warning_message_flag 1

#  These are series of procedures which are, or might be, system dependent

proc GetEnvPath { var { report 1 } } {
  global system
  global env

# Get environment variable - cope with whether input var has
# leading '$' or not

  regsub {^\$} $var  {} var1

# On NT change the separators to unix style /

  if { [regexp WINDOWS $system(OPSYS)] } {
    set status [catch { global env; 
      regsub -all {\\} $env($var1) \/ path } nc ]
  } else {
    set status [catch {global env; set p1 $env($var1)} path ]
  if { $status } { 
    set path ""
    if { $report } { 
      WarningMessage "Can not get environment variable for $var" }
  return $path

proc TestEnvVariables { } {
  global env
  global system

# Run at startup to check CCP4 environment roughly in place

  set  env(CCP4_TOP) [GetEnvPath CCP4]
  Report 2 "Using CCP4 programs from $env(CCP4_TOP)" -notime

  set error_list {}
  foreach envvar [list CCP4I_TOP CCP4I_HELP CCP4_TOP \
    set path [GetEnvPath $envvar 0]
    if { $path == "" } {
      append error_list "$envvar is undefined\n"
    } elseif { ![file exists $path ] || ![file isdirectory $path ] } {
      append error_list "$envvar is defined as $path
  which does not exists or is not a directory\n"

  foreach envvar [list PATH CCP4_OPEN PUBLIC_FONT84 ] {
    set path [GetEnvPath $envvar 0]
    if { $path == "" } {
      append error_list "$envvar is undefined\n"

  if { $error_list  != "" } {

    if { [regexp WINDOWS $system(OPSYS)] } {
      append error_list  \
        "\n You should exit CCP4i and check the installation"
    } else {
      append error_list \
        "\n You should exit CCP4i and do the usual CCP4 setup
If you still get this message then check your installation"

# Probably hav not source the window utility code
    if { [llength [info procs ChooseOptionDialog]] <= 0  } {
      source [file join $env(CCP4I_TOP) src util_windows.tcl]
      source [file join $env(CCP4I_TOP) src window.tcl]

    if { [ regexp Exit \
       [ChooseOptionDialog "Undefined environment variables" \
	Undefined "Undefined environment variables:\n $error_list" \
	  [list Exit Continue ] ] ] }  { puts "Exiting CCP4i"; return 0  }

  return 1


proc GetFullFileName { file { dir {} } args } {
  global directories

  if { $file == "" } { return "" }

#  if { $dir == {} } { set dir $directories(CURRENT_PROJECT) }

#  puts "GetFullFileName $file $dir"

  if { [llength [file split $file]] > 1 ||
      $dir == {} ||
      [StringSame "$dir" "[GetSystemVar PATHNAME_LABEL]" "FULL_PATH" "CURRENT" ] } {
    return "$file"
  } else {
    return "[FileJoin [GetDefaultDirPath $dir] $file]"

proc GetFullFileName1 { file { dir {} } args } {
# This is used from ExecuteScript and handles the case when the input
# file name has a directory separator
  global directories

  if { $file == "" } { return "" }

#  if { $dir == {} } { set dir $directories(CURRENT_PROJECT) }

#  puts "GetFullFileName $file $dir"

  if { [lindex [file split $file] 0] == "/"  ||
      $dir == {} ||
      [StringSame "$dir" "[GetSystemVar PATHNAME_LABEL]" "FULL_PATH" "CURRENT" ] } {
    return "$file"
  } else {
    return "[FileJoin [GetDefaultDirPath $dir] $file]"

proc GetCurrentProject {} {
  global directories
  return $directories(CURRENT_PROJECT)

proc GetDefaultDirPath { {dirIn {} } } {
  global directories 

# Set a default of the current directory
  set dir $dirIn
  set nodefault 0

  if { $dir == "" && [info exists directories(CURRENT_PROJECT)] } { 
    set dir $directories(CURRENT_PROJECT) 
    set nodefault 1

  if { [StringSame "$dir" "[GetSystemVar PATHNAME_LABEL]" ] } {

   set directory [GetCurrentDir]
   return $directory

  } else {

    set directory ""
    set aliaslist [array names directories PROJECT_ALIAS,*]

    if { [llength $aliaslist] > 0 } {
      foreach item $aliaslist {
        if { $directories($item) == $dir } {
          GetIndx $item root c1 c2
          set directory $directories([Indxv PROJECT_PATH $c1])
    if { $directory != "" && [file exists $directory] &&  \
       [file isdirectory $directory]  } { return $directory }

    set aliaslist [array names directories DEF_DIR_ALIAS,*]
#    puts "aliaslist $aliaslist"

    if { [llength $aliaslist] > 0 } {
      foreach item $aliaslist { 
        if { $directories($item) == $dir } {
          GetIndx $item root c1 c2
          set directory $directories([Indxv DEF_DIR_PATH $c1])
    if { $directory != "" && [file exists $directory] &&  \
       [file isdirectory $directory]  } { return $directory }

# If all else fails return $CCP4_SCR for the SCRATCH or TEMPORARY
    if [regexp SCRATCH|TEMPORARY $dir ] {
      set directory [GetEnvPath CCP4_SCR]
      return $directory
  if { !$nodefault } { set directory [GetCurrentDir] }
  return $directory

proc SearchPath {topname args  } {
  global system
# get the full path name for a file
# this procedure will need to search the users local directory
  if { ![regexp CCP4 $topname] } { set topname CCP4I_$topname }
# If user has file in .CCP4/CCP4I_TOP/... then use that
  set ff [eval [concat FileJoin "[GetSystemVar DOT]" $topname $args ]]
  if { [file exists $ff ] } { return $ff } 
  return [eval [concat FileJoin "[GetEnvPath $topname]" $args ]]

proc ChangeDirectory { dir } {
# Change to directory $dir - usually necessary with non-CCP4
# programs procheck/Shelx
  cd $dir

proc GetUserId { } {
  global env
  global system
# Return the user id
  if { ![regexp WINDOWS $system(OPSYS)] } {
    return $env(USER)
  } else {
    set log [GetTmpFileName]
    if { [Execute [BinPath iam] {} status report -log $log] &&
    		[ReadFile $log logtext] } {
      DeleteFile $log
      return [string trim $logtext]
    } else {
      return 'UNKOWN'

proc GetVersion {} {
  global system
  return $system(VERSION)         

proc ReturnUnixInfo { command infoVar } {
# run a unix command via the open command so the output 
# is piped directly to variable info
  upvar $infoVar info
  global system

  if { ![regexp WINDOWS $system(OPSYS) ] } {

    if [catch {set input [open "|$command" r]
      set info [read $input]
      close $input} ] { puts "info $info";return 0 }
     return 1

  } else {
    WarningMessage "Trying to use ReturnUnixInfo for $command"
    return 0

proc IsProcessActive { process_name args } {
# Use ps command to find out if there is a process called 
# process_name current active
#NT fix
  global system

  if {  [regexp WINDOWS $system(OPSYS)] } {
#    WarningMessage "Attempting to run IsProcessActive"
    return 1

  set proclist [exec ps -u[GetUserId]]
  if { [lsearch -regexp $proclist "$process_name"] >= 0 } {
    return 1
  } else {
    return 0

proc FileJoin { args } {
# use the tcl file join procedure
# This is not available in pre7.6 (?) tcl so possible
# problems on VMS
  global system

  if { [regexp {^\$} [lindex $args 0]] } {
    lappend pathlist  [GetEnvPath [lindex $args 0 ]]
  } else {
    lappend pathlist [lindex $args 0]

  foreach item [lrange $args 1 end]  {
    regsub {^\/} $item {} item1
    lappend pathlist $item1

  set cmd [concat "file join" $pathlist]
  set status [catch $cmd filename]
  if { $status == 0 } {
    return $filename
  } else {
    set filename [lindex $args 0 ]
    foreach item [lrange $args 1 end]  {
      append filename "/" $item
    return $filename

proc FileRootName { filename } {
  set root [file rootname [file tail $filename] ]
  return $root

proc FullPathName { filn0 ext { dir "" } } {
# If the input file name has some directory structure then leave the
# name as it is - otherwise assume it is in the default directory
# specified by dir

  set no_extension 0
  if { $filn0 == "" } { return "" }

   if { $dir != "" } {
     set directory [GetDefaultDirPath $dir]
   } else {
     set directory ""

  if { "[string range $filn0 0 0 ]" == "\$" } {
    set pp [string first "/" $filn0 ]
    if { $pp > 0 } {
      set envar [string range $filn0 0 [expr $pp - 1 ] ]
      set envarpath [GetEnvPath $envar ]
      if { $envarpath != ""} {
        set filn1 [FileJoin $envarpath [string range $filn0 $pp end] ]
      } else {
        set filn1 $filn0
    } else {
# the input is apparently just an environment variable - humpf - daft user
      set envarpath [GetEnvPath $filn0 ]
      if { $envarpath != "" } {
        set filn1 $envarpath
      } else {
        set filn1 $filn0
      set no_extension 1
  } elseif { [file dirname $filn0 ] == "." } {
    set filn1 [FileJoin $directory $filn0]
  } else {
    set filn1 $filn0

  if { $no_extension || $ext == "" } {
     return $filn1
  } else {
     return [AddDefaultExt $filn1 $ext]

proc AddDefaultExt { filein extin args } {
  set replace 0
  set n 0; set nargs [llength $args]
  while { $n < $nargs } {
    set comd [lindex $args $n]
    if [regexp -- -r $comd] {
      set replace 1
    incr n

  if { [string index $extin 0] == "." } {
    set ext [string range $extin 1 end]
  } else {
    set ext $extin

  set file [string trim $filein]
  if { $replace } { 
    set file [string trimright [file rootname $file] "." ] }
  if {[file extension $file] == ""} {
     return $file.$ext
  } else {
     return $file


# Save global parameters in an array called system_save
# this just helps keep things tidy.

proc GetSystemVar { symbol } {
  global system_save
  global system

  if [info exists system_save($symbol)] {
    return $system_save($symbol)
  } elseif [info exists system($symbol)] {
    return $system($symbol)
  } else {
    return ""
proc SetSystemVar {symbol name} {
  global system_save
  set system_save($symbol) $name

proc OpenFile { filename channel {mode a+ } } {
  upvar $channel f

  if [file isdirectory $filename] { return 0 }
#  puts "OpenFile mode $mode"
#   this is a fix for directory trees with spaces eg spaced user name

#  return [expr 1 - [catch "open $filename $mode" f ] ]

  return [expr 1 - [catch { open $filename $mode} f ] ]

proc CloseFile { f {filename ""} } {
  if { [catch "close $f" ] } {
    WarningMessage "Error closing file $filename
Probably due to disk being full or exceeding disk quota"
    return 0
  } else {
    return 1

proc ReadFile { filename textVar args } {
  upvar $textVar text
  set noblank 0
  set nocomment 0
  set split 0
  set n 0; set nargs [llength $args]
  while { $n < $nargs } {
    switch -regexp -- [lindex $args $n] \
    split {
      set split 1
    } nobl {
      set noblank 1
    } noco {
      set nocomment 1
      incr n; set comment [lindex $args $n]
  incr n

  if { ![OpenFile $filename f r ] } { return 0 }
  if { [catch "read $f" tt ] } { CloseFile $f; return 0 }
  CloseFile $f

  if { $split || $noblank || $nocomment } {
    set ttsplit [split $tt \n]
# Strip out blank lines and comment lines
    if { $noblank && $nocomment } {
      foreach line $ttsplit {
        if { [string length [string trim $line ] ] > 0 && ![eval regexp {$comment} {$line} ] } { 
              lappend tclean "$line" }
    } elseif { $noblank } {
      foreach line $ttsplit {
        if { [string length [string trim $line ] ] > 0 } { lappend tclean $line }
    } elseif { $nocomment } {
      if { $noblank } { set ttsplit $text; set text {} }
      foreach line $ttsplit {
        if { $line == "" || ![eval regexp {$comment} {$line} ] } { 
		lappend tclean "$line" }
    } else {
      set tclean $ttsplit 
# If doing noblank/nocomment but don't want text splitting
    if { $split } { set text $tclean } else {
     foreach line $tclean { append text $line \n } }
  } else {
    set text $tt
  return 1

proc ReadEndOfFile { filename nlines textVar args } {
  upvar $textVar text
  global system

# NT 
  if { [regexp WINDOWS $system(OPSYS)] } {
    if { [ReadFile $filename tt  -split] } {
      set ttlen [llength $tt]
      set f [expr $ttlen - $nlines]
      if { $f < 0 } { set f 0 }
      if { [lsearch $args "-split"] >= 0 } {
        set text [lrange $tt $f end]
      } else { 
        foreach l [lrange $tt $f end] {
          append text $l \n
      return 1
    }  else {
      return 0
  } else {
# Use Unix tail command to read last nlines lines of a file
    if [catch {set input [open "|tail -$nlines $filename" r]
	     set tt [read $input]
             close $input  } ]  {
      return 0
    if { [lsearch $args "-split"] < 0 } {
      set text $tt
    } else {
      set text [split $tt \n]
    return 1

proc WriteFile { filename text args } {
  if { [lsearch -regexp $args -overwrite] >= 0 } {
    if { ![OpenFile $filename fo w] } { return 0 }
  } else {
    if { ![OpenFile $filename fo a+] } { return 0 }
  if [catch {puts $fo "$text"}] { return 0 }
  return [CloseFile $fo]

proc CreateTmpFile { filenameVar text } {
  upvar $filenameVar filename

  set filename [GetTmpFileName]
  OpenFile $filename f w
  puts $f $text
  CloseFile $f


proc DeleteFile {file } {
  if { [file isfile $file] } { 
    catch {file delete $file}
    return 1
  } elseif { [file isdirectory $file] } {
    catch {file delete -force $file}
    return 1

proc FileWritable { file } {
  return [file writable $file ]

proc GetPid {} {
  set process [GetSystemVar process]

  if { $process == "" } {
    set process [pid]
    SetSystemVar process $process
  return $process

proc DeleteFiles { args } {

  foreach file $args {
    DeleteFile $file

proc GetCurrentDir { } {
  return [pwd]

proc MoveFile { filein fileout args } {
  if { ![file exists $filein] } {
    Report 1 "MoveFile: input file $filein does not exist"
    return 0
  if { [file exists $fileout] } {
    if { [lsearch -regexp $args over ] >= 0 } {
      DeleteFile $fileout
    } else {
      Report 1 "MoveFile: output file $fileout already exist"
      return 0

  if { [catch {file rename $filein $fileout } ] } {
    return 0
  } else {
    return 1

proc CopyFile { filein fileout args } {
  if { ![file exists $filein] } {
    puts "CopyFile: input file $filein does not exist"
    return 0
  if { [file exists $fileout] &&  \
               [lsearch -regexp $args  over] < 0 } {
    Report 1 "CopyFile: output file $fileout already exist"
    return 0
  } else {
    file delete $fileout

  if { [catch {file copy $filein $fileout } ] } {
    Report 1 "CopyFile: error copying from $filein to $fileout"
    return 0
  } else {
    return 1

proc CopyDir { filein fileout } {

  if { ![file exists $filein] } {
    Report 1 "CopyDir: input $filein does not exist"
    return 0
  if { [file exists $fileout] } {
    Report 1 "CopyDir: output $fileout already exist"
    return 0

# NT fix - remove the 'exec' from the command - why was it there??
#  if { [catch {exec file copy $filein $fileout } ] } 
  if { [catch {file copy $filein $fileout } ] } {
    Report 1 "CopyDir: error copying from $filein to $fileout"
    return 0
  } else {
    return 1

proc CompressFile { filein args } {
  global system
  set overwrite 0
  set uncompress 0

  set nargs [llength $args]; set n 0
  while  { $n < $nargs } {
    switch -regexp -- [lindex $args $n] \
    over {
       set overwrite 1
    } unco {
       set uncompress 1
    incr n

# Uncompress
  if { $uncompress } { return [UnCompressFile $filein] }

# NT fix
  if { [regexp WINDOWS $system(OPSYS)] } {
    WarningMessage "Attempting to run CompressFile"
    return 0

  if { ![file exists $filein] } {
    puts "CompressFile: input file $filein does not exist"
    return 0

  append fileout $filein ".gz"
  if {[file exists $fileout] } {
    if { $overwrite } { 
      Report 1 "Overwriting existing compressed file:  $fileout"
      DeleteFile $fileout
    } else {
      Report 1 "Compressed file already exists: $fileout"
      return 0
  if { [catch {exec gzip $filein } ] } {
    return 0
  } else {
    return 1

proc UnCompressFile { filein } {
  global system

# Uncompress the file $filein - if this file does not exist try
# adding the usual compress extension ( .gz ) to file name

# This routine will be mostly used with  the database for archiving
# It is probably safer to pass in file name without the compress extension
# and let this routine sort it out which compress program is being used

# NT fix
  if { [regexp WINDOWS $system(OPSYS) ] } {
    WarningMessage "Attempting to run UnCompressFile"
    return 0

  set file $filein
  if { ![file exists $file] } { 
    set file [FileJoin file [CompressExtension]]
    if { ![file exists $file] } {
      Report 1 "UnCompressFile: input file $filein does not exist"
      return 0
  if { [catch {exec gunzip $file } ] } {
    return 0
  } else {
    return 1

proc UnTarFile { file } {
  global system
# NT fix
  if { [regexp WINDOWS $system(OPSYS) ] } {
    WarningMessage "Attempting to run UnCompressFile"
    return 0
  return [expr 1 - [catch {exec tar xf $file } ]  ]

proc CompressExtension {} {
  return "gz"

proc TranscribeFile { filein fileout } {
  if { [OpenFile $filein fi r ] <= 0 } { 
    Report 2 "ERROR opening file $filein"
    return 0 }
  if { [OpenFile $fileout fo a+ ] <= 0 } { 
    Report 2 "ERROR opening file $fileout"
    return 0 }

  puts $fo "[read $fi]"
  CloseFile $fi
  CloseFile $fo
  return 1

proc CreateDir { dir } {
  if { [ file exists $dir ] } { 
    Report 3 "ERROR cannot create directory: $dir already exists"
    return 0
  return [expr 1 - [catch {file mkdir $dir } ] ]

proc ChangeDirectory { dir } {
  if { [file exists $dir] && [file isdirectory $dir ] } {
    return [expr 1 - [catch "cd $dir"] ]
  } else {
    return 0

proc ChangeFileExt { filename ext } {
  set t [file extension $filename] 
  if { $t != "" } {
    set nt [expr [string first $t $filename ] - 1 ] 
    set file [string range $filename 0 $nt ]
  } else {
    set file $filename
  if { [string first "." $ext] == 0 } {
    append file $ext
  } else {
    append file "." $ext

  return $file

proc GetHostname { } {
  global system
  return [info hostname]

# **ExtractFromFile
# Avoid all that grep and awk stuff to extract words from a file
# filename		input file name
# search_string		search string NB must be EXACTLY as in file but
#			with * as first and last character if string is
#			embedded within line		
# lineinc		return the text from the lineinc'th line after 
#			the line with the search_string
# word_index		list of indexes to the words required returning
#			if word_index==0 return the whole line
# data			return list of data
proc ExtractFromFile { fileid search_string lineinc word_index } {

  global extractfromfile_line

  set data {}
  set line {}

#  puts "ExtractFromFile fileid $fileid search_string $search_string lineinc $lineinc"

  set extractfromfile_line [GetSystemVar extractfromfile_line]
  set n_lines_read 0

  if {$search_string == "" } {

     set line $extractfromfile_line
     if { $lineinc > 0 } {
           for { set i 1 } { $i <= $lineinc } { incr i } {
              incr n_lines_read
              if { [catch "gets $fileid line" status ] } {
                 puts "ExtractFromFile could not increment $lineinc lines"
                 puts "Possible end-of-file after"
                 puts "$linetmp"
                 return ""

  } else {

    while { [gets $fileid linetmp ] >= 0 } {
      incr n_lines_read
      if { [string match $search_string $linetmp ] == 1 } {
        if { $lineinc > 0 } { 
           for { set i 1 } { $i <= $lineinc } { incr i } {
              incr n_lines_read
              if { [catch "gets $fileid line" status ] } {
                 puts "ExtractFromFile could not increment $lineinc lines"
                 puts "Possible end-of-file after" 
                 puts "$linetmp"
                 return ""
        } else {
          set line $linetmp

  SetSystemVar extractfromfile_line $line
  SetSystemVar extractfromfile_lines_read $n_lines_read
  if [regexp a $word_index 0] {
    set data $line
  } else {
    set data [GetWords $line $word_index] 

 return $data


proc GetWords { line word_index } {
# convert the string to a list
  set tmp_list [split $line " "]

# Remove any null list element that derives from multiple spacing
# in the input list
  set tmp_list0 ""
  foreach element $tmp_list {
    if { $element  != "" } { lappend tmp_list0 $element }

  foreach element $word_index {
    lappend out [lindex $tmp_list0 $element]
  return $out

proc ExtractTextLine { tt search_string lineinc word_index dataVar args } {
  upvar $dataVar data

  set retval 1
  set data [ExtractFromText "$tt" "$search_string" $lineinc $word_index $args ]
  if { $data == {} || [lindex $data 0] == {} } { set retval 0 }
#  puts "data $data retval $retval"
#  if { !$retval } { puts "$search_string" } 
  return $retval

proc ExtractNextLine { lineVar {skip_blank 1} { trim 1} } {
  upvar $lineVar line
  global extractText
  global extractTextLen
  global extractLine

  if { $extractLine >= $extractTextLen } { return 0 }
  incr extractLine

  if { $skip_blank } {
    while { [string trim [lindex $extractText $extractLine]] == "" } {
      if { $extractLine < $extractTextLen } {
        incr extractLine
      } else {
        return 0
  if { $trim } {
    set line [string trim [lindex $extractText $extractLine]]
  } else {
    set line [lindex $extractText $extractLine]
  return 1

proc ExtractFromText { tt search_string lineinc word_index args } {
# Perform similar function to grep and awk
# Search the text $tt for incidence of $search_string and
# then step on to the $lineinc'th line after the present one 
# Return either the whole line if $word_index=0 or if word_index
# is a list of the index of the words to return 
# NB the words in a line are taken as starting from 0

# If $tt = '-' then use previous text
# If search_string == "" then apply lineincfrom current position and
# return the word_index words

  global extractText
  global extractTextLen
  global extractLine

  if { $tt != "-" } {
    set extractText [split $tt \n]
    append extractText {}
    set extractTextLen [llength $extractText]
    set extractLine 0
  } elseif { $search_string != "" } {
    incr extractLine
    if { $extractLine > $extractTextLen } { return "" }

#  if {$search_string == "" && [regexp all $word_index] } {
# Find the next non-blank line
#    incr extractLine $lineinc
#    if { $extractLine > $extractTextLen } { return "" }
#    while { $extractLine < $extractTextLen &&  \
#      [string trim [lindex $extractText $extractLine]] == "" } {
#      incr extractLine
#    }
#    return [lindex $extractText $extractLine]
#  }

  if {$search_string != "" } {
    while { $extractLine < $extractTextLen &&  \
      ![regexp $search_string [lindex $extractText $extractLine]] } {
      incr extractLine
  incr extractLine $lineinc
  if { $extractLine <= $extractTextLen } {
    set line [lindex $extractText $extractLine]
  } else {
    return "" 
#  puts "extractLine search_string $search_string $extractLine $line"

  switch $word_index \
  all {
    return $line
  } last {
    return [lindex $line end]
  } default {
    return [GetWords $line $word_index] 

proc Indxv { name c1 { c2 {} } } {
  set element $name
  if { $c1 != "" } { append element "," $c1 }
  if { $c2 != "" } { append element "_" $c2 }
  return $element

proc GetIndx { element rootVar c1Var c2Var } {
  upvar $rootVar root
  upvar $c1Var c1
  upvar $c2Var c2

  set c1 ""
  set c2 ""

  if { ![regexp {([^,]*),([^,]*)} $element tt root indx ] } {
    set root $element
  if { ![regexp {([^_]*)_([^_]*)} $indx tt c1 c2 ] } {
    set c1 $indx

proc InitialiseArray1 { filnVar arrayname } {

  upvar #0 $arrayname array

  InitialiseArray $array($filnVar) $arrayname

proc ReadDefTaskname { filn tasknameVar } {
  upvar $tasknameVar taskname

  if { ![OpenFile $filn f r ] } {
    Report 3 "Could not open initialisation file $filn"
    return 0

  set taskname ""
  while { $taskname == ""  && [gets $f line] >= 0 } {
    if { [regexp CCP4I $line] && [regexp DEF $line] }  {
      set taskname [lindex $line 3]
  CloseFile $f
  return 1


proc InitialiseArray { filn arrayname taskname args } {

  upvar #0 $arrayname array

# Initialise an array from a def file
# Create a parameter PARAM_LIST which is list of names of all input
# parameters - this list usaully used to write out the same file

  set check 1
  set query_check 0
  set nargs [llength $args]; set n 0
  while  { $n < $nargs }  {
   set comd [lindex $args $n]
   if [regexp -- "-nocheck" $comd] {
     set check 1
   } elseif [regexp -- "-reportlabel" $comd] {
     set query_check 1
   incr n

  if { [catch {open $filn r }  f ] } {
    Report 3 "Could not open initialisation file $filn"
    return 0
  if { ![ElementExists $arrayname PARAM_LIST] } {
    set array(PARAM_LIST) ""

  if { $check } {

    set checked 0
    while { $checked == 0 && [gets $f line] >= 0 } {
      if { [string first CCP4I $line] >= 0 &&
           [string first SCRIPT $line] >= 0 } {
         if { ( [string first DEF $line] >= 0 || [string first DB $line] >= 0) &&
              [string first $taskname $line] >=0 } {
           set checked 1
         } else {
           set checked -1

    if { $checked <= 0 } {
      if { $query_check } {
        set action [ ChooseOptionDialog "Correct File" "Correct File" \
        "The file $filn
has script identifier: $line
which is not correct for initialising $taskname
do you want to continue reading the file?" \
        [list "Abort Reading" "Continue Reading" ] ]
        if { $action == "Abort Reading" } {
          close $f
          return 0
      } else {
        puts "Def file $filn"
        puts "does not have correct file label $taskname"
# merge lines which have continuation character
  set textin [split [ read $f ] "\n"]
  CloseFile $f
  set full_text ""
  foreach line $textin {
    if { [string range $line end end] == "\\" } {
      append buffer [string range $line 0 [expr [string length $line] -2]]
    } else {
      append buffer $line
      lappend full_text $buffer
      set buffer ""

  if { [llength $full_text] <= 0 } { return 0 }

  set nl 0; set nl_full_text [llength $full_text]
  while { $nl < $nl_full_text } { incr nl; set line [lindex $full_text $nl]
    if { [string length $line ] > 0 } {
# Handle insertion of data from another def file
       if { [string range $line 0 0 ] == "@" } {
         eval "set filename [string range $line 1 end]"
         if { [ReadFile $filename tmp_full_text -split] } {
           set full_text [concat $full_text $tmp_full_text]
           set nl_full_text [llength $full_text]
       } elseif {  [string range $line 0 0 ] != "#" } {
         set element [lindex $line 0 ]
         set value [lindex $line 1 ]
         GetIndx $element root c1 c2
# If the next word begins with an underscore then it is a type for the
# data

         if { [ string index $value  0 ] == "_" } {
            set array(_$element) $value
            if [catch "set value [lrange $line 2 end]"] {
              Report 1 "ERROR reading value of parameter $element from file $filn"
              set value ""

         if { [string length $element] > 0 } {
              set array($element) $value
              if { $c1 == "" || $c1 == 0 } {
                if { [lsearch $array(PARAM_LIST) $element ] < 0 } {
                  lappend array(PARAM_LIST) $element
# set INITIAL_DEF to contain the name of the initialisation def file
# if it is not the interface default

  set filn_list [file split $filn]
  set ll [llength $filn_list]
  if [regexp tasks [lindex $filn_list [expr $ll -2]]] {
    set array(INITIAL_DEF) ""
  } else {
    set array(INITIAL_DEF) $filn
#  puts "INITIAL_DEF $array(INITIAL_DEF)"
#  puts " $arrayname PARAM_LIST $array(PARAM_LIST) "

  return 1

proc SetDomain {} {
# Is the present host machine in a machine domain?
  global system
  global domains
  if { ![ElementExists domains N_DOMAINS] || $domains(N_DOMAINS) == 0 } {
    return 0
  set host [lindex [split [GetHostname] . ] 0 ]
  for { set n 1 } { $n <= $domains(N_DOMAINS) } { incr n } {
    if { [lsearch -exact $domains(DOMAIN_MACHINES,$n) $host] >= 0 } {
       puts "$host in domain $domains(DOMAIN_NAME,$n)"
      set system(GENERIC_DOMAIN) $system(DOMAIN)
      set system(DOMAIN) $domains(DOMAIN_NAME,$n)

proc InitialisePreferences { taskname arrayname args } {
# Initialise preferences by reading first the program defaults and
# then any existing user preferences file
  global system
  upvar #0 $arrayname array

  set read_user 1
  set filename {}
  set nargs [llength $args]; set n 0
  while { $n < $nargs } {
    switch -regexp -- [lindex $args $n] \
    nous {
      set read_user 0
    } file {
      incr n; set filename [lindex $args $n]
    incr n
  set retval 1

  InitialiseArray [SearchPath TOP etc $taskname.def.dist] $arrayname $taskname

  if { $filename != "" } {
    InitialiseArray $filename $arrayname $taskname
  } elseif { $read_user && 
    [file exists [set filename [datapath $taskname.def -username -domain]]] } {
    InitialiseArray $filename $arrayname $taskname
    set retval 2
  } elseif { $read_user &&
	[file exists [set filename [datapath $taskname.def -domain ]]] } {
    InitialiseArray $filename $arrayname $taskname
    set retval 2
  } elseif { [file exists [set filename  \
	[SearchPath TOP etc $system(DOMAIN) $taskname.def ]]] } {
      InitialiseArray $filename $arrayname  $taskname
  } elseif { [file exists \
	[set filename  [SearchPath TOP etc $taskname.def ]]] } {
      InitialiseArray $filename $arrayname  $taskname
  } else {
# The only def file for these parameters was the *.def.dist - so probably first
# run of interface - so try running autoconf 
    if { [llength [info proc autoconf_[subst $system(OPSYS)]_$taskname]] > 0 } {
      if { [autoconf_[subst $system(OPSYS)]_$taskname $arrayname  $taskname ] } {
        if { [file writable [SearchPath TOP etc $system(DOMAIN)] ] }  {
          set filename [SearchPath TOP etc $system(DOMAIN) $taskname.def]
          puts "Creating new configure parameters file $filename"
          SaveArray $taskname $filename $arrayname -save_types
        } else {
          WarningMessage \
"You are the first person to run this version of CCP4i and 
it is trying to automatically configure and save information
to the file:
[SearchPath TOP etc $system(DOMAIN) $taskname.def]
but you do not have write permission for this directory.
Please get the person who installed CCP4i to run it and
do the configure.
It is OK to continue running CCP4i."

#  WarningMessage "InitialisePreferences $taskname $filename"

# The INITIALISATION_MODE indicates if using installation-wide
# parameters (=0) or user's customised parameters (=1)
  set array(INITIALISATION_MODE) [expr $retval - 1]

  switch -regexp -- $taskname \
  directories {
    catch {update_defdir_menu $arrayname}
  } configure {
    set_configured_menus $arrayname TYPEDEF_LIST
  return $retval

proc update_defdir_menu { arrayname { counter "" } } {
# Update the project/alias menu that appears in the file selection lines
  upvar #0 $arrayname array
  global system

  set ll [list "[GetSystemVar PATHNAME_LABEL]" ]
  for { set n 1 } { $n <= $array(N_PROJECTS) } { incr n } {
    lappend ll $array(PROJECT_ALIAS,$n)
  for { set n 1 } { $n <= $array(N_DEF_DIRS) } { incr n } {
    lappend ll $array(DEF_DIR_ALIAS,$n)
  set array(DEFDIR_MENU) $ll
  set lw ""
  foreach w $system(DEFDIR_WIDGET_LIST) {
    if [winfo exists [lindex $w 0] ] {
      update_menu0 [lindex $w 0] [lindex $w 1] [lindex $w 2] $ll
      lappend lw $w
  set system(DEFDIR_WIDGET_LIST) $lw

proc autoconf_UNIX_configure { arrayname taskname } {
# Called when ccp4i first used - there is no $CCP4I_TOP/etc/configure.def
# Initial parameters from $CCP4I_TOP/etc/configure.def.init are modified
# in this routine
  upvar #0 $arrayname array

  Report 1 "Running auto-configure for $taskname"

# Set the background colour
  catch {
    frame .fdummy
    set configure(COLOUR_BACKGROUND) [.fdummy cget -background]
    destroy .fdummy

  set array(START_NETSCAPE) [SearchPath TOP utils start_netscape.csh]

#If this is standard bltwish installation then the exe is
#  .../bin/bltwish
# and the bltGraph.pro is in  .../lib/bltv.v/bltGraph.pro
  if { ![catch {exec which bltwish} exe_path] } {
    catch {
      set local_dir [file dirname [file dirname $exe_path]]
      set libdirs [lsort -decreasing [glob [file join $local_dir lib blt*]]]
      if { [llength $libdirs ] > 0 } {
        if [file exists [file join [lindex $libdirs 0] bltGraph.pro]] {
          set array(BLT_LIBRARY) [lindex $libdirs 0]

  set array(RUN_CCP4I) ccp4ish

  WarningMessage "set ccp4irun thing"
  set array(RUN_LOGGRAPH) loggraph
  return 1

proc autoconf_WINDOWS_configure { arrayname taskname } {
# Called when ccp4i first used - there is no $CCP4I_TOP/etc/configure.def
# Initial parameters from $CCP4I_TOP/etc/configure.def.init are modified
# in this routine
  upvar #0 $arrayname array

  Report 1 "Running auto-configure for $taskname"

# Set the background colour
  catch {
    frame .fdummy
    set configure(COLOUR_BACKGROUND) [.fdummy cget -background]
    destroy .fdummy

  package require registry 1.0
  set htmlfile {}
  set tclfile {}
  catch {
    set ht [registry get \
        HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\htmlfile\\shell\\open\\command {}]
    regsub -all {\\} $ht \/ htmlfile }
  catch {
    set tc [registry get \
       HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\TclScript\\shell\\open\\command {}] 
    regsub -all {\\} $tc \/ tclfile }

#  WarningMessage "htmlfile $htmlfile tclfile $tclfile"

  if { [llength $htmlfile] > 0 } {
    set array(HYPERTEXT_VIEWER) [lindex $htmlfile 0]

  if { [llength $tclfile] > 0  &&
    [regsub wish [lindex $tclfile 0] tclsh tclsh] > 0 } {
    set array(RUN_TCLSH) $tclsh
  } else {
    set array(RUN_TCLSH) tclsh80
  set array(RUN_CCP4I) "$array(RUN_TCLSH) \[file join \[GetEnvPath CCP4I_TOP] bin ccp4ish.tcl]"

  set array(RUN_BLTWISH) bltwish
  set array(RUN_LOGGRAPH) "bltwish \[file join \[GetEnvPath CCP4I_TOP] bin loggraph.tcl]"

  return 1

proc autoconf_WINDOWS_system { arrayname taskname } {
  upvar #0 $arrayname array

  set uid [GetUserId]
  if { $uid != "" } { set array(LOGIN_NAME)  $uid }


proc set_configured_menus { arrayname paramlistVar } {
  upvar #0 $arrayname array

  if { ![ElementExists $arrayname $paramlistVar] } {
    Report 1 "Parameter list $paramlistVar does not exist in $arrayname"

  foreach p $array($paramlistVar) {
    if { [llength $p] > 3 } {
      set_typedef_menu $arrayname [lindex $p 0] \
       [lindex $p 1] [lindex $p 2] [lindex $p 3]
    } else {
      set_typedef_menu $arrayname [lindex $p 0] \
	[lindex $p 1] [lindex $p 2]

proc set_typedef_menu {arrayname defVar nitemsVar menuVar { aliasVar "" }  } {
  upvar #0 $arrayname array
  global typedef

#  puts "set_typedef_menu defVar $defVar nitems $array($nitemsVar)"

  if { $array($nitemsVar) < 1 } {
    if { $aliasVar != "" } {
      set typedef($defVar) { menu {"Not Installed"} {"Not Installed"} }
    } else {
      set typedef($defVar) { menu {"Not Installed"} }
  } else {
    for { set n 1 } { $n <= $array($nitemsVar) } { incr n } {
      lappend lm $array([Indxv $menuVar $n])
      if { $aliasVar != "" } { lappend la $array([Indxv $aliasVar $n]) }
    if { $aliasVar != "" } {
      set typedef($defVar) [list menu $lm $la ]
    } else {
      set typedef($defVar) [list menu $lm ]

proc datapath { filename args } {
# Get the full path name for a configure file in the user's home 
# directory.  The path nmae my be more complex if there is a USERNAME
# defined (eg used when several students in a class have same login)
  global system
  global env

  set create 0
  set user 0
  set domain 0
  set dir [GetSystemVar DOT]
  set nargs [llength $args]; set n 0
  while { $n < $nargs } { 
  switch -regexp -- [lindex  $args $n] \
  user {
    if { $system(USERNAME) != "" } { 
      set dir [file join $dir $system(USERNAME)]
      set user 1
  } domain {
    if { $system(DOMAIN) != "" } { 
      set dir [file join $dir $system(DOMAIN)]
      set domain 1
  } create {
    set create 1
  incr n }

# If the directory structure is not in place for the file then create it
  if { $create && ![file exists $dir] } {
    if { $user && ![file exists  \
       [file join [GetSystemVar DOT] $system(USERNAME)]] } {
      CreateDir [file join [GetSystemVar DOT] $system(USERNAME)]
    if { $domain } { 
      CreateDir $dir
  if { [file exist $filename ] } {
    return $filename
  } else { 
    set filn [FileJoin $dir $filename]
    return $filn

proc nextword { linein  continueVar {mode " "}} {

  upvar $linein line
  upvar $continueVar continue

  set continue 0
  set len ""
  set linetmp [string trimleft $line]
  if { [string length $linetmp] <= 0 ||
       [regexp {"\" \""|"\"\""} $linetmp ] == 1 } return ""

# The next word or phrase starts with quotes - take everything between these
# and the next quotes

  if { [ regsub -- {^\"} $linetmp "" word1 ] } {
    regexp -- {([^\"]*)\"} $word1 word
    set continue [ expr 1 - [regsub -- {\"$} $word1 "" word] ]
#    if { $continue == 1 } { puts "word1 $word1" }
  } else {
    scan $linetmp %s word
#  set error [regsub -- {^\"} $word "" word1]
#  set error [regsub -- {\"$} $word1 "" word]

  if { $mode == "pare" } {
    set line [string trimleft \
        [string range $linetmp [expr [string length $word] + 1 ] end] ]
    return $word


proc WriteIdentifier { f  script args  } {
# Write simple identifer to top of file
  global system
  global job_params

# Setup the standard file header info 
  set date [GetDate]
  set user [GetUserId]
  set text "#CCP4I VERSION $system(VERSION)
#CCP4I SCRIPT $script
#CCP4I DATE $date
#CCP4I USER $user"

# Expect args to be in pairs of keyword and parameter
# if parameter is a null string then test if it is an element of job_params array

  set nargs [llength $args]; set n 0
  while { $n < $nargs } {
    set keyword [lindex $args $n ]
    incr n;set param [lindex $args $n]
    if { $param == ""  && [ElementExists job_params $keyword] } {
      set param $job_params($keyword)
    append text "\n#CCP4I $keyword $param"
    incr n 
# If f is a channel id then write text to that channel 
# If f is null string then put text in that string ot return to 
#   calling procedure
  if { $f == {} } { return "$text\n" } else { puts $f $text }
# Trivial but useful ....

proc max { args } {

  set m [lindex [lindex $args 0 ] 0 ]
  foreach ll $args {
    foreach l $ll {
      if { $l > $m } { set m $l }
  return  $m

proc min { args } {

  set m [lindex [lindex $args 0 ] 0 ]
  foreach ll $args {
    foreach l $ll {
      if { $l < $m } { set m $l }
  return  $m

proc iremainder { n m } {

# and we just hope it all stays in integer ..
  set i [expr $n / $m ]
  set ii [expr $n - ($m * $i) ]
  return $ii

proc push { stackVar levelVar value } {
  upvar $levelVar level
  upvar $stackVar stack
  lappend stack $value
  incr level

proc pop { stackVar levelVar } {
  upvar $levelVar level
  upvar $stackVar stack
  if { [llength $stack ] == 0 } {
    set value ""
  } else {
    set value [lindex $stack end]
    incr level -1
    set stack [lreplace $stack end end ]
  return $value

# Limit max decimal places in output string
proc maxdecimal { input prec } {
# round a fraction to prec decimal places 
# leave rational fractions unchanged and round up irrational
  set bignum [expr pow( 10,$prec )]
  set out [expr int($bignum * $input)/$bignum ]
  if { $out < $input } { set out [expr $out + pow(10,-$prec )] }
  return $out

proc sortorder { listin orderVar { mode {} } } {
  upvar $orderVar order

# listin is a list of whatevers - return a list order
# which is the offsets to position in listin for sorted
# This is grossly inefficient!

# mode is standard arguments to the sort function

  set cmd "set ll \[lsort $mode \$listin\]"
  eval "$cmd"

# Handle multiple instances of a value 
# in the input list 

  set order {}
  set ilast {}
  foreach item $ll {
    if { $item == $ilast } {
      set ii [expr $i + 1 ]
    } else {
      set ii 0
    set i [expr $ii + [lsearch [lrange $listin $ii end] $item ] ]
    lappend order $i
    set ilast $item

proc ElementExists { arrayname element } {

#  if { ![array exists $arrayname] } { return 0 }

  upvar #0 $arrayname array

  if { [array names array $element] == $element } {
    return 1
  } else {
    return 0

proc IfSet { args } {
  foreach param $args {
    if { $param == "" } { return 0 }
  return 1

proc ArraySearch { arrayname var text } {

  upvar #0 $arrayname array

# Search array for element with a value of 'text'
# Expect the array element name to take the form array(var,index)

  set elements [GetIndexedElements $arrayname $var ]

  foreach element $elements {
    if { [StringSame $text $array($element) ] } { return $element }

  return ""


proc StringSame { args } {
# String comparison - by default case sensitive
# optional first argument -case makes comparison case insensitive
# The next argument (string1) is compared with all sebsequent 
# arguments and if it is the same as any of them them return 1
# otherwise return 0

  set case 1
  set nargs [expr [llength $args ] -1 ]; set n 0
  if { [lindex $args 0 ] == "-case" } { set case 0 ; incr n }
  set string1 [lindex $args $n]; incr n
  if { $case } { set string1 [string toupper $string1] }
  foreach string2 [lrange $args $n $nargs ] {
    if { $case } { set string2 [string toupper $string2] }
    if { [string compare $string1 $string2 ] == 0 }  { return 1 }
  return 0

proc ParseArgs { keylist iflist paramlist initlist input } {
  if { ![info exists input ] } { return 0 }
  if { [set nargs [llength $input ]] <= 0 } { return 0 }
  puts "nargs $nargs"

  foreach pname $iflist {
    if { $pname != "" } {
      eval "upvar $pname v_$pname
            set v_$pname 0"

  set i -1; foreach p $paramlist {  incr i
    set j -1; foreach pname $p { incr j
      eval "upvar $pname v_$pname
          set v_$pname [lindex [lindex $initlist $i] $j]"
      eval puts \"v_$pname \$v_[subst $pname]\"
      incr i

  set n 0; while { $n < $nargs } {
    if { [set i [lsearch -regexp $keylist [lindex $input $n]]] >= 0 } {
      puts "hit $i"
      if {[lindex $iflist $i] != "" } { eval "set v_[lindex $iflist $i] 1" }
      foreach pname [lindex $paramlist $i] {
        incr n; eval "set v_$pname [lindex $input $n]"
    incr n

proc GetDate { args } { 

# If there is no input secs then find the current time 
# otherwise use the input time secs  and convert to user 
# friendly format   dependent on format input
# full		full date and time
# time		time only
# date		date only
# brief		time for any time today otherwise date

  set format full
  set secs {}

  set nargs [llength $args]; set n 0
  while { $n < $nargs } {
    switch -regexp -- [lindex $args $n] \
    format {
      incr n; set format [lindex $args $n]
    } clock {
      incr n; set secs [lindex $args $n]
    incr n

  if { $secs == "" } { set secs [clock seconds] }
  if { [llength $secs ] > 1 } { 
    if { $format == "brief" } { 
      return [ append time [string range $secs 0 6] [string range $secs 9 10] ]
    } else {
      return $secs

  if { $format == "seconds"} { return $secs }
  if { $format == "full" } {
    set date [clock format $secs -format "%d %b %Y  %H:%M:%S" ]
  } elseif { $format == "time" } {
    set date [clock format $secs -format "%H:%M:%S" ]
  } elseif { $format == "date" } {
    set date [clock format $secs -format "%d %b %Y" ]
  } elseif { $format == "brief" } {
    set today [ clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y %j" ]
    set input [ clock format $secs -format "%Y %j" ]
    if { [lindex $input 0 ] == [lindex $today 0 ] &&
         [lindex $input 1 ] == [lindex $today 1 ] } {
      set date [clock format $secs -format "%H:%M:%S" ]
    } else {
      set date [clock format $secs -format "%d %b %y" ]
  return "$date"

proc Report { level text args } {
  global preferences
  if { [ElementExists preferences REPORT_LEVEL] &&
      $level < $preferences(REPORT_LEVEL) } { return }
  if { $text == "" } { return }

  if { [lsearch $args -notime] < 0 } { set text "[GetDate -format time] $text" }

  set logfile [GetSystemVar SESSION_LOG]

  if { $logfile != "" } { 
    WriteFile $logfile  "$text"
  } else {
    puts "$text"

# Old code to write report to log window
#    $frame configure -state normal
#    $frame insert end "\n$text" texttag
#    $frame yview moveto 1.0
#    $frame configure -state disabled

proc GetTmpFileName { args } {
  global job_params
  global preferences

  set ex ""
  set defdir ""
  set dir ""
  set job_id ""
  set number [expr [GetSystemVar number_tmp_files] +1 ] 

  set n_args [llength $args]; set n 0
  while { $n < $n_args } {
    switch -regexp -- [lindex $args $n] \
    ext {
      incr n; set ex [lindex $args $n]
    } defdir {
        incr n; set defdir [lindex $args $n]
    } dir {
        incr n; set dir [lindex $args $n]
    } map {
      if { $preferences(MAP_OUTPUT_DEFDIR) == "TEMPORARY" } {
        set defdir TEMPORARY
      } else {
        set defdir $job_params(PROJECT)
    incr n

  if { [ElementExists job_params JOB_ID] } {
    append job_id $job_params(PROJECT) _ $job_params(JOB_ID)
  } else { 
    set job_id [GetPid]

  if { $ex == "" || [string match "_*" $ex ] } { 
    set ext $ex
  } else { 
    set ext "_$ex" 
  set fname "[subst $job_id]_[subst $number][subst $ext].tmp"

  if { $dir == "" && $defdir != "" }  { set dir [GetDefaultDirPath $defdir] }
  if { $dir == "" } { set dir [GetDefaultDirPath TEMPORARY] }
  if { $dir != "" } { 
    set file [FileJoin $dir $fname]
  } else {
    set file $fname

  SetSystemVar number_tmp_files $number
  return $file

proc GetFileFormat { file { default {}} } {
  global typedef
  set ext [file extension $file]
  if { $ext == "" } { return $default }
  foreach filetype $typedef(file_types) {
    set defext [lindex $typedef($filetype) 2]
    if { [StringSame $ext $defext] } {
      return [lindex $typedef($filetype) 1]
  return $default

proc BinPath { program } {
  global system
  global configure

  if { [StringSame WINDOWS $system(OPSYS)] && [StringSame fft $program] } {
      set program fftbig }

  if { [ElementExists configure NFULLPATHS] && 
	$configure(NFULLPATHS) > 0 } {
    for { set n 1 } { $n <= $configure(NFULLPATHS) } { incr n } {
      if { [StringSame $configure(FULLPATH_PROG,$n) $program] } {
        return "$configure(FULLPATH_PATH,$n)"
  return $program
# If there was no search path defined might need to use the following
#    return [FileJoin $env(CBIN) $program]

proc InitialiseDotCCP4 { } {
# Make sure we have a $HOME/.CCP4 directory
  global system

  switch $system(OPSYS) \
  UNIX {
    set dot [file join [GetEnvPath HOME] .CCP4]
  } WINDOWS  {
    set dot [file join [GetEnvPath SystemRoot] Profiles $system(LOGIN_NAME) CCP4]

  if { ![file exists $dot ] } {

    Report 1 "Creating a home directory for CCP4 at $dot"
    CreateDir $dot
    CreateDir $dot/windows
    CreateDir $dot/unix
    CreateDir $dot/CCP4I_TOP
    CreateDir $dot/CCP4I_TOP/bin
    CreateDir $dot/CCP4I_TOP/src
    CreateDir $dot/CCP4I_TOP/etc
    CreateDir $dot/CCP4I_TOP/tasks
    CreateDir $dot/CCP4I_TOP/scripts
    CreateDir $dot/CCP4I_TOP/templates
    CreateDir $dot/CCP4I_TOP/utils
    CreateDir $dot/CCP4I_TOP/loggraph
    CreateDir $dot/CCP4I_TOP/sketch
    CreateDir $dot/monomer

# Copy the directories.def to its new home
    if { [regexp UNIX $system(OPSYS)] &&
      [file exists [file join [GetEnvPath HOME] .CCP4_directories] ] } {
      CopyFile [file join [GetEnvPath HOME] .CCP4_directories] \
	[file join $dot unix directories.def ]

  } elseif { ![file isdirectory $dot] } {
    puts "There is $dot but it is apparently not a directory"

  SetSystemVar DOT $dot


proc Execute {  command script statusout reportout { args {} } } {
#Quick Execute - baby brother to the Execute in execute.tcl
# Used to run programs internal to graphical ccp4i
  upvar $statusout status
  upvar $reportout report
  set program_success 0
  set logfile {}

  set nargs [llength $args] ; set n 0
  while { $n < $nargs } {
    set comd [lindex $args $n ]
    switch -regexp -- $comd \
    success {
      incr n; set success [lindex $args $n ]
    } log {
      incr n; set logfile [lindex $args $n ]
    incr n

  set cmd "set status \[catch \{exec $command"
  if { $script != "" && $script != " " } { append cmd " < " $script }
  if { $logfile != "" } {
    if { [file exists $logfile ]} {
      append cmd " >> " $logfile
    } else {
      append cmd " > " $logfile
  append cmd "\} report \]"

# If in environment with Report function then just put
# out a diagnostic level report
#  if { [info procs "Report" ] == "Report" } {
#       Report 0 "Running: $command "
#  }

  eval "$cmd"

# status is the value returned by catch and 0 means command
# successful
  return [ expr 1 - $status ]

#  The followin procedures are used by ccp4i processes which are acting as clients
#  to the 'main' ccp4i gui.  For example loggraph acting as client to sfanal task
#  This setup assumes that the process is a client of only one server

proc OpenClientSocket { server_host server_port args } {
  global system

  set listen 0
  set nargs [llength $args]; set n 0
  while { $n < $nargs } {
    switch -regexp -- [lindex $args $n] \
    listen {
      set listen 1
      incr n; set listen_command [lindex $args $n]
    incr n

  if { ![catch "socket $server_host $server_port" sockid] } {
    set system(SERVER_HOST) $server_host
    set system(SERVER_PORT) $server_port
    set system(CLIENT_PORT) $sockid
    fconfigure $system(CLIENT_PORT) -buffering line \
		-blocking [expr 1 - $listen]
    if { $listen } { ListenClientSocket $sockid 500 $listen_command }
    return 1
  } else {
    return 0

proc ListenClientSocket { sockid delay command } {
  if { ![catch {gets $sockid} input] && $input != "" } {
#    puts "ListenClientSocket input $input"
    eval [concat $command $input]
  after $delay [list ListenClientSocket $sockid $delay  $command ]

proc TestSocket { args } {
# Test is socket is open
  global system
  set nargs [llength $args]; set n 0
  while { $n < $nargs } {
    switch  -regexp -- [lindex $args $n] \
    server {
      set socket  $system(SERVER_SOCKET)
    } client {
      set socket $system(CLIENT_SOCKET)
    } socket {
      incr n; set socket [lindex $args $n]
    incr n

  set status [expr 1 - [catch {fconfigure $socket} response ] ]
#  puts "TestSocket socket $socket $response $status"
  return $status

proc PutsSocket { message args } {
  global system

  set nargs [llength $args]; set n 0
  while { $n < $nargs } {
    switch  -regexp -- [lindex $args $n] \
    client {
      set socket $system(CLIENT_PORT)
    } server {
      set socket  $system(SERVER_SOCKET)
    } socket {
      incr n; set socket [lindex $args $n]
    incr n
#  puts "PutsSocket message $message socket $socket"

  return [expr 1 - \
    [catch { puts $socket $message } ] ]

# SETUP - this is at top level and makes sure ccp4i bombs out
# if CPC4I_TOP is not set

global system_save

  set system_save(PATHNAME_LABEL) "Full path.."
  if { ![ElementExists system TK_VERSION] || $system(TK_VERSION) < 8.0 } {
    set system_save(BLT_TABLE) table
  } else {
    set system_save(BLT_TABLE) blt::table

  if { [regexp find [package require BLT] ] } {

   WarningMessage "BLT extension to Tcl/Tk not installed.  See your system manager or the CCP4i installation documentation."

   return 0
