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Re: [ccp4bb]: sigmaa and HL coefficients

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Hi Steve,

You're not alone. I have also just recently tried (and failed) to use the
<combine mir2> option with sigmaa. In all cases, regardless of the different
phase subsets I tried to combine, sigmaa produced overall values of zero for
the HLA and HLB columns. Incidentally, my input phases also came from solve. I
took the CNS route too and got the desired result, although I'd still like to
know why sigmaa doesn't like our data.


Tanis Hogg                                              
Institute of Molecular Biotechnology                    
Department of Structural Biology and Crystallography
Beutenbergstrasse 11 
D-07745 Jena                             

Office: 49-3641-65-6080
FAX:    49-3641-65-6062
Email:  thogg@imb-jena.de