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[ccp4bb]: omit maps

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Jennifer Garlitz is so shy she has asked me to ask you...

When using refmac/ArpWarp refinement with ccp4i what is the easiest way to
calculate an Fo-Fc omit map for a given region of the refined structure?

Thank you, Gloria
   Gloria Borgstahl                            Office  (419) 530-1501
   University of Toledo
   Department of Chemistry                     Lab  (419) 530-1581
   Wolfe Hall Room 3214
   2801 West Bancroft Street                   FAX  (419) 530-1591
   Toledo, OH 43606-3390

   Assistant Professor             http://sbl.chem.utoledo.edu/geob
   Hobbies:  Biochemistry, Protein Crystallography, DNA Metabolism, 
   Breast Cancer, Physical  Characterization of Protein Crystals, 
   X-ray Diffraction Physics, Bob the Builder, Little Bear and Franklin.