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[ccp4bb]: Lock in AMoRe!

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Hello All,

Did anyone succeed in a locked translation search of AMORe?
I got an error information of
AMORE:  Invalid keyword: LOCK .
The command line in my input card is
ROTATE CROSS MODEL 1  beslim 6 200  step 2.0  bmax 90.0 -
                         pklim  0.5    npic 80             -
                         Lock 2   54.7   0.0  120.0  125.3  90.0  120.0
The present version of CCP4 I am using is 4.0. Any information
will be appreciated.

LIU Lijun
Lab. of Structural Biology, Chemistry Department
Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan       606-8502
Tel:   00-81-75-753-4063
Fax:   00-81-75-753-4032