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[ccp4bb]: RMSD in refmac

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I'm trying to refain my structure (3.15 A resolution :-((, poor completenes,
four mols in asym. unit, ~1400 aa) using refmac5.
I have big problem with RMSD for bonds and angles.
After REFI TLSC 10 and NCYC 20 with WEIGht MATRix 0.2, 0.05 and also 0.01!!!
rmsBOND and rmsANGLE are about 0.05 and 4.0!!!!! Don't you think they are too
high? What should I do to get "normal" values (~0.015, 2.0)?????
Before running refmac I have checked the structure in procheck and there was no
bad distances and angles.



AMU, Poznan, Poland