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[ccp4bb]: RedHat compilers...

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Just to set the record straight, I would like to state here and now that the 
problems people have been having on RedHat 7.1 and 7.2, and other linux 
distros, are not the fault of the compilers shipped with 7.1 or 7.2.
(either 2.96rh, or 3.0).

There are some assumptions in some ccp4 code, which are technically invalid 
with the F77 spec, but have been traditionally incorrectly implemented in the 
majority of Fortran compilers. g77 is exceptional in interpreting the 
specifications correctly.

To compile ccp4 on Linux, simply add
to the XFFLAGS in all the makefiles.

The resulting code will give sensible results using the example refmac 
scripts. (Of course there may be smaller problems not picked up by this test, 
if so we now have a chance of finding them.)

To summarise: Redhat did good. We didn't.

Department of Chemistry, University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD