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[ccp4bb]: Ann: Computational Crystallography Toolbox (cctbx) version 1.0

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The Computational Crystallography Initiative has released the
Computational Crystallography Toolbox (cctbx) version 1.0:


The cctbx is a reusable scientific software library for

- the development of crystallographic structure
  determination programs.

- the integration of existing crystallographic
  programs through helper scripts.

- hands-on teaching crystallographic concepts.

The cctbx is designed with an open and flexible
architecture to promote extendability and easy
incorporation into other software environments. The
package is organized as a set of ISO C++ classes with
Python (http://www.python.org/) bindings. This organization
combines the computational efficiency of a strongly typed
compiled language with the convenience and flexibility of a
dynamically typed scripting language in a strikingly
uniform and very maintainable way.

Most notable differences to cctbx release 0_9_9:

More examples:

fast-track build system further simplified:
  - Automatic adjustment to the Python version that is used
    to invoke the fast_track.py script.
  - The Boost.Python library is built inside the cctbx build
    tree (but the distributions are still cleanly separated).

Only one namespace: cctbx
  All classes and sub-namespaces are now in the namespace cctbx.

Same classes renamed.
  Most notably, SgOps is now SpaceGroup.

New toolboxes:
  ADP (anisotropic displacement parameters) Toolbox
  Fast Fourier Transform toolbox
  Structure Factor Toolbox

New sgtbx classes (among others):

    Parallelepiped that contains an asymmetric unit
    and is optimized for memory allocation.

    Support for tabulated contiguous asymmetric units
    (thanks to Kevin Cowtan) in addition to the
    sorting based selection of symmetry-unique indices.
    This replaces the old MasterIndex class.

    Fast and convenient generation of Miller indices with
    very small memory usage (based on tabulated contiguous
    asymmetric units).

    Support for common layouts of tables of asymmetric
    Miller indices (AnomalousLayout, HermitianLayout,

    Structure seminvariant (s.s.) vectors and moduli are a
    description of "permissible" or "allowed" origin

    Robust algorithm for the determination of site-symmetries
    of sites on special positions.

    This class represents the information for all Wyckoff
    positions for a given space group.

Default constructors for all classes.
  This enables universal use of the cctbx classes in try-catch
  constructs such as:
    some_class some_object;
    try {
      some_object = some_class(arguments);
    catch {
      // set some_object to some other value
      // or throw another exception
    // use some_object
  It is a disadvantage the some default constructed objects
  may now be used even though their state is meaningless
  (similar to using an int that was declared but not defined).
  A mechanism that could prevent this without a runtime penalty
  is unfortunately not known to me (rwgk).

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