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Re: [ccp4bb]: Amore error message

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Hi -

> While running Amore I've got the error message bellow.
> Model seems to be OK.
Well, I am again tempted to remind the famous hierarchy of approaches to 
problems. The undisputed nr.1 choice was unanimously proposed to be RTFM.

> I would like to know what it means and possible remedies.

>   S/R TABLNDO: RESET MR >   5333726Current value   4400000
>  Times: User:      37.9s System:    1.6s Elapsed:    0:40
> </pre>
> </html>

So, that is a lovely error message. It tells you to reset TABLING_MR
(I only wish all CCP4 programs were that clear).

Now, if you have no clue what that means, you go to Netscape
(in desperate cases Microsoft Explorer might be allowed)


after 2 clicks


Now, click Search/Find in Page 'TABLING_MR'
You will end up in the following educational text:


Memory allocation

The program currently uses a lot of memory. At several points a whole 
Fourier transform is held in memory, and it is easy to overflow the 
limits set. You may not have enough virtual memory available to run 
large cases. It should be made more memory-efficient in the future. In 
the meantime it does dynamic memory allocation; the amount allocated at 
runtime is parameterised by assigning values to logical names since it 
currently isn't able to compute how much is needed at each stage before 
doing the allocation. Thus there may be some trial and error involved in 
setting appropriate values. The defaults are chosen to allow solutions 
of realistic cases on a `typical' VAX system. Note that the amount of 
memory you can grab may depend on what else the system is doing as well 
as possible per-user limits, so it may pay to try later on a multi-user 

If the allocation for an array isn't large enough, the program stops 
with a message which should indicate at least which parameter needs to 
be increased and, in most cases, to what value. If the message doesn't 
make it clear what needs to be increased, please report the fact. Using 
the keyword VERBOSE may give more indication. The current values are 
printed in the output (look for `Memory allocation'). They may be 
changed by giving the appropriate logical names an integer value (which 
represents the size of an array) in any of possible ways:
On the command line e.g., `TABLING_MR 5400000';
 From the environment:
setenv TABLING_MR 5400000 # csh
TABLING_MR=5400000 # sh
By editing $CINCL/default.def e.g. with a line:

The last option may be most appropriate on a system with lots of memory 
to provide large defaults and the distributed default.def contains 
commented-out values for a `big' version used at York and Cambridge.


Really, ccp4bb is GREAT, but maybe stay away from RTFMable questions ?
This way traffic will be reduced a bit, so we can all enjoy 
proportionally more of DVD's exquisit humour ...
