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RE: [ccp4bb]: Amore error message

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What is wrong with saying 'read the fine/fabulous/first-rate/fantastic
manual'? ;-)

Byron DeLaBarre, Ph. D.
P250 MSLS Building
Stanford University

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ccp4bb@dl.ac.uk [mailto:owner-ccp4bb@dl.ac.uk]On Behalf Of
Soisson, Stephen Michael
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 9:52 AM
To: 'ccp4bb@dl.ac.uk'
Subject: RE: [ccp4bb]: Amore error message

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Given what the "F" in RTFM stands for, I doubt that I am alone in thinking
that the phrase is a universally offensive thing to say to someone who poses
an innocent question.  Not that I disagree with you in principle here, but
might I propose that we all find a "kinder, gentler" way of referring one to
the manual?
