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RE: [ccp4bb]: Amore error message

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On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Soisson, Stephen Michael wrote:

> Given what the "F" in RTFM stands for, I doubt that I am alone in thinking
> that the phrase is a universally offensive thing to say to someone who poses
> an innocent question.  Not that I disagree with you in principle here, but
> might I propose that we all find a "kinder, gentler" way of referring one to
> the manual?

>> Well, I am again tempted to remind the famous hierarchy of approaches  to 
>> problems. The undisputed nr.1 choice was unanimously proposed to be  RTFM.

frequently the 'F' goes untranslated, so you could fill in your own 
F-word.  I once saw the movie "Repo Man" on a local cable TV channel, and 
they altered the sound track so that every occurence of the F-word was 
filled in as "flip".  it was quite bizarre.

as an aside, where does 'innocence' end and 'negligence' begin?


        "I knew by their looks that they ate garlic and onions"
                                                  - Mark Twain
                        David J. Schuller
                        modern man in a post-modern world
                        MacCHESS, Cornell University