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Re: [ccp4bb]: How to make a movie

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It's fairly easy to do this using Gerard's morphing commands in 
lsqman.  If you set up an image with molscript/render, you can apply 
the same description to each of the morphed coordinate sets and 
render them as a series of .jpg images.  The image stack can then be 
imported into Adobe Premiere on your Mac and written as a Quicktime 
movie.  You can edit individual frames with Photoshop to add titles, 
or whatever.

I've written a couple of perl & csh scripts that make it simple, if 
you're interested.


>Hi everybody,
>I have a protein that adopts two different conformations whether it contains
>calcium or not. In order to illustrate this conformational change, I 
>would like to
>make a movie, but I don't know what kind of software I can use.
>Does anyone recommend any software to do this?
>Thanks, Have all a merry christmas,
>Otterbein Ludovic R.
>Boston Biomedical Research Institute
>Dominguez Group Third Floor
>64 grove street
>Watertown MA 02472-2829
>Phone : 617 658 7823
>Fax : 617 972 1753


Douglas M. Freymann, Ph.D.	    freymann@northwestern.edu

Assistant Professor
Molecular Pharmacology & Biological Chemistry
Northwestern University Medical School
303 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL  60611

(312) 503-1877                                         fax: (312) 503-5349