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Re: [ccp4bb]: Deleting by Chain ID

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I noticed a bug already. I forgot to extract the chain from $ID_R. May I
blame this on my email program?

The pickhelix.pl file should be as follows (between the dashed lines):

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# pickhelix.pl perl script

$atomfile = "helixatom.o" ;

open (ATOM, $atomfile) or die "Could not open file \"$atomfile\"" ;

<ATOM> ;
# Might as well save all the symbols to allow program to grow in
# in functionality later if we desire
$ID_M = <ATOM> ;
$ID_R = <ATOM> ;
$ID_A = <ATOM> ;

close (ATOM) ;

($RecordID, $ChainRes) = split (/\s+/, $ID_R) ;

$Chain = substr ($ChainRes, 0, 1) ;

# hack in Jeff Taylor's awk one liner to save doing the same in perl
system ("cat structure.pdb | awk \'{ if (\$5!=\"$Chain\") print \$0}\'\
         > $ChainRes_structure.pdb) ;
#  All you need to do is change the name of structure.pdb to whatever
#  your file is called

# end of pickhelix.pl perl script
