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[ccp4bb]: scaleit

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could someone tell what I am doing wrong in scaleit?:


 Dataset  2 is
 and is assigned to be derivative  1

   The following columns were defined by LABIN:

   The following additional columns will have the same
   scale factor applied automatically:
       Column SIGF_Jnative(-)       (type L)
          Ok - assigned to label SIGFPH1(+)                    

       Column IMEAN_Jnative         (type J)
          Ok - assigned to label IMEAN1                        

       Column SIGIMEAN_Jnative      (type Q)
       The last assigned column was type J
       Guessing that this is the sigma of the 
       average intensity Imean
       It will be multiplied by the calculated scale factor squared
          Assigned to label SIGIMEAN1                     

  ** SIGIMEAN has been assigned to column SIGIMEAN_Jnative 
  So it will be multiplied by the SQUARE of
  the scale factor - check that this is correct.

       Column I_Jnative(+)          (type K)
          Ok - assigned to label I1(+)                         

       Column SIGI_Jnative(+)       (type M)
          Ok - assigned to label SIGI1(+)                      

       Column I_Jnative(-)          (type K)
          Ok - assigned to label I1(-)                         

       Column SIGI_Jnative(-)       (type M)
          Ok - assigned to label SIGI1(-)                      

       Column  SCALEIT:  Error in AUTOmatic column selection

I just want to compare F_Mnative and F_thio24hg and not use *_Jnative at
the moment.