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[ccp4bb]: protein alignment

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Hi there -

Can someone point me to a program that will output a list of rmsd's 
between two aligned structures by residue number?  My favorite alignment
program is TOP, but it doesn't produce this info (or I haven't figured 
out how to get it).  I also tried the ccp4 program "compar" but it 
seems to only work if each protein has the same number (& type) of residues.  



* Lesa J. Beamer, PhD                                                *
* Biochemistry Department               | Email:beamerl@missouri.edu *
* University of Missouri-Columbia       | Phone: x-573-882-6072      *
* Columbia, MO 65211                    | Fax  : x-573-884-4812      *
* USA                                                                *
* http://www.structbio.missouri.edu/                                 *