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RE: [ccp4bb]: main: MAIN is free to use software for academics

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Dusan has asked that I forward the below message to ccp4bb on his behalf. 
It wasn't posted earlier as he is not currently subscribed to ccp4bb so 
the message did not get through. 
Please cc any responses to Dusan.


Dear Steve Ernst,

if you had read a few lines before the "prices" then  you would find
also the following:

"Both license fees have no upper limit, however, higher donations are
licensee's own choice. The fee for the academic license is NOT
obligatory, it is a gesture of good will to reward MAIN creation and
user support."

Parctically, it means that only the academics and individuals that want
to pay the fee have to go through the licencing business.

Do you want me to send you a licence agreement and if so, which fee
would you like to contribute ?

best regards,

dusan turk
the author of MAIN

PS.  The e-mail of Steve Ernst regarding MAIN was forwarded to me.
Since I am not a member of the CCP4 mailing list anyone wanting to
discuss "MAIN" issues can send e-mails to MAIN mailing list
"e-mail:main2000@biochem.mpg.de" or directly to me.

Dusan Turk                                   e-mail: dusan.turk@ijs.si
Dept. of Biochem. and Mol. Biol.              phone: +386 1 477 3857
Jozef Stefan Institute                          fax: +386 1 257 3594
Jamova 39, 1 000 Ljubljana
Slovenia, (EUROPE)