Getting Started with rDock

Revision History

Revision 2006.2 release


Rod Hubbard

Revision 2006.1 release


David Morley

Revision Initial draft


David Morley

David Morley - Enspiral Discovery Ltd.  -

University of York release –

Table of Contents



Section A – Using the distribution as is

1.      Installing the rDock release

2.      Testing the rDock release


Section B – Building a new version of rDock

1.      Prerequisites

2.      Unpacking the distribution files

3.      Building rDock

4.      Running a short validation experiment


rDock is a high-throughput molecular docking platform for protein and RNA targets. Under development at Vernalis (formerly RiboTargets) since 1998, the software (formerly known as RiboDock[1]), scoring functions, and search protocols have been refined continuously to meet the demands of in-house Structure-Based Drug Discovery (SBDD) projects.  Since September 2006, the software has been developed and distributed through an academic network maintained at the University of York.

The major components of the platform include fast intermolecular scoring functions (van der Waals, polar, desolvation) validated against protein and RNA targets, a Genetic Algorithm-based stochastic search engine, a wide variety of external SBDD-derived restraint terms (tethered template, pharmacophore, noe distance restraints), and novel Genetic Programming-based post-docking filtering. A variety of scripts are available to perform automated validation experiments and to launch virtual screening campaigns.

This introductory guide is aimed at new users of rDock.

The guide is in two parts:

Section A describes how to install from the distribution tape and run some test calculations with the pre-compiled version of the program.  This will be all most users will need to get started.

Section B contains information about compiling and running the program, with additional information about test suites.

Once you have installed a version, you should look at the Reference Guide for more detailed documentation on the usage of rDock.  In addition, the rDock web site ( has more information, test suites and ancillary programs available.

Section A – Using the distribution as is

The standard distribution includes a pre-compiled and linked version of rDock that should run on most Linux operating systems.  The version was compiled with no shared object libraries on Fedora Core 3 version of Linux and has been tested on Fedora Core 4, RHEL 4 and Suse 10.  If you try the program on other operating systems, please email and let us know how you got on.


1. Installing the standard rDock distribution

1.      Create a new directory for building rDock.

$ mkdir ~/rDock2006.2

2.      Copy or download the distribution files to $RBT_ROOT.

   $ cp ~/mydownloads/rDock_2006.2_src.tgz ~/rDock2006.2

3.      Extract the distributions.

$ cd ~/rDock2006.2

$ tar xvzf rDock_2006.2_src.tgz

4.      Edit the setup_rDock script

The directory you created is referred to as $RBT_ROOT[2] in the subsequent steps.

Edit the file ~/rDock2006.2/setup_rDock to define the RBT_ROOT environment variable.   If you are using rDock frequently, you may want to source this setup file in your .cshrc file.

2. Testing the standard rDock distribution

An example set of files are provided in the directory $RBT_ROOT/testing.


Move to this directory:


$ cd $RBT_ROOT/testing


Run the run_rDock_test script:


        $ source run_rDock_test


This executes a sequence of commands.  In brief:


The program rDcavity takes the description of the target binding site from 5abp.prm and generates a cavity ( used in the docking calculations.  In this case, the docking cavity is defined by the crystallographic position of the ligand in


The program rDock performs 10 docking runs, trying to fit the ligand into the ligand cavity.  The attempts are output to


The program rDrms computes the rmsd between the ligand and the different poses in and puts the result into


The perl script sdsort, sorts so that the first pose has the best score for docking to the receptor.


You can use visualisation software (such as the free DS Visualizer from Accelrys) to look at the various protein and ligand files and demonstrate for yourself that the docking has worked.



Section B. Building a new version of rDock

This describes the minimal set of steps required to build rDock from the source code distribution, and to run one of the automated validation experiments provided in the test suite distribution. The instructions assume that you are comfortable with simple Linux command line administration tasks, and with building Linux applications from make files.

1. Prerequisites

Compilers. rDock is supplied as source code, which means that you will have to compile the binary files (run-time libraries and executable programs) before you can use them. rDock has been developed largely on the Linux operating system, most recently with the GNU g++ compiler under SuSE 9.2 Pro. The code will almost certainly compile and run under other Linux distributions with little or no modification, but no other distributions or compilers have been tested extensively to date.

Condor. Although the rDock executables can be run directly from the command line, the validation experiment scripts use the Condor High Throughput Computing software[3] for automating the process of distributing and managing individual docking jobs across a cluster of compute machines. Condor is available free of charge for a wide variety of platforms. Installing and configuring Condor is beyond the scope of this guide as the Condor configuration is very site-dependent.

For full production use, you would typically compile rDock on a separate build machine and run the docking calculations on a cluster of compute machines. However, for the purposes of getting started, these instructions assume that you will be compiling rDock and running the initial validation experiments on the same machine, and that you have installed and configured a Personal Condor to manage the jobs on that machine.

Required packages. Make sure you have the following packages installed on your machine before you continue. The versions listed are appropriate for SuSE 9.2 Pro; other versions may be required for your particular Linux distribution.

Table 1.1. Required packages for building and running rDock



Required at



GNU C compiler




GNU C++ compiler




C++ command-line argument processing




C++ unit test framework




C++ command-line argument processing




Distributed resource management





2. Unpacking the distribution files

The rDock source files and test suite files are provided as independent gzipped tar (.tgz) distributions. Depending on your requirements, the two distributions can be unpacked to entirely separate locations, or can be unpacked under the same location. In this example they are unpacked under the same location.

Table 2.1. rDock distribution files




rDock source distribution


Test suite data files and scripts

where [CODELINE], [BUILDNUM], and [DATE] will vary depending on the release. [CODELINE] represents the major version string (for example, 2006.1), [BUILDNUM] represents the minor version number (for example, 865) and [DATE] represents a date string (for example, 20060313).

Procedure 2.1. Example unpacking procedure

5.      Create a new directory for building rDock.

$ mkdir ~/dev

The directory you created is referred to as [BUILDDIR] in the subsequents steps.

6.      Copy or download the distribution files to [BUILDDIR].

7.           $ cp ~/mydownloads/rDock_2006.1_865_src.tgz ~/dev/
$ cp ~/mydownloads/RBT_TEST_20060313.tgz ~/dev/

8.      Extract the distributions.

9.           $ cd ~/dev/
10.        $ tar xvzf rDock_2006.1_865_src.tgz
 $ tar xvzf RBT_TEST_20060313.tgz

The distributions contain files with relative path names, and you should find the following subdirectories created under [BUILDDIR]. Note that the ./rDock/2006.1 subdirectory may have a different name depending on the major version string (see above).

$ find . -type d

11.  Make a note of the following locations for later use.

The test suite root directory is [BUILDDIR]/RBT_TEST/ and will be referred to as [RBT_TEST] in later instructions. In this example, [RBT_TEST] is ~/dev/RBT_TEST/.

The rDock root directory is [BUILDDIR]/rDock/[CODELINE] and will be referred to as [RBT_ROOT] in later instructions. In this example, [RBT_ROOT] is ~/dev/rDock/2006.1/.

3. Building rDock

rDock is written in C++ (with a small amount of C code from Numerical Recipes) and makes heavy use of the C++ Standard Template Library (STL). The majority of the source code is compiled into a single shared library ( The executable programs themselves are relatively light-weight command-line applications linked with

The tmake build system (from Trolltech) is used to generate makefiles automatically for a particular build target (i.e. combination of operating system and compiler). The source distribution comes with tmake templates defining the compiler options and flags for three Linux build targets (linux-g++, linux-g++-64, and linux-pathCC-64). The build targets have been tested under SuSE 9.2 (2.6.8-24.18 kernel) with GNU g++ 3.3.4 and PathScale pathCC 2.1.

Table 3.1. Standard tmake build targets provided

Target name



Compiler flags (release build)


32-bit Intel


-m32 -O3 -ffast-math -march=pentium3 -mcpu=pentium3


64-bit AMD Opteron


-m64 -O3 -ffast-math -march=k8 -mcpu=k8


64-bit AMD Opteron


-Ofast -ffast-math -march=opteron -mtune=opteron

Customising the tmake template for a build target. If none of the tmake templates are suitable for your machine, or if you wish to customise the compiler options, you should first customise one of the existing templates. The tmake template files are stored under [RBT_ROOT]/build/tmakelib/. Locate and edit the tmake.conf file for the build target you wish to customise. For example, to customise the linux-g++ build target, edit [RBT_ROOT]/build/tmakelib/linux-g++/tmake.conf and localise the values to suit your compiler.

Procedure 3.1. rDock build procedure

To build rDock, first go to the [RBT_ROOT]/build/ directory.

$ cd [RBT_ROOT]/build

1.      Compile

Make one of the build targets listed below.

$ make linux-g++
$ make linux-g++-64
$ make linux-pathCC-64

2.      Test

Run the rDock unit tests to check build integrity. If no failed tests are reported you should be all set.

$ make test

3.      Install (optional)

You can either run rDock directly from the build location (only recommended for initial testing), or install the binaries and data files to a new location (recommended for production use). To install in a new location [INSTALLDIR], create a binary distribution file, copy the distribution file to [INSTALLDIR], and extract the files.

 $ make dist
 $ mkdir -p [INSTALLDIR]
 $ cp rDock_[CODELINE].tgz [INSTALLDIR]
 $ tar xvzf rDock_[CODELINE].tgz

4.      Cleanup (optional)

To remove all intermediate build files from [RBT_ROOT]/build/, leaving just the final executables (in [RBT_ROOT]/bin/) and shared libraries (in [RBT_ROOT]/lib/):

$ make clean

To remove the final executables and shared libraries as well, returning to a source-only distribution:

$ make distclean

4. Running a short validation experiment

Now that you have successfully built the rDock executables you should change your working directory away from the installed locations of [RBT_TEST] and [RBT_ROOT], for example to a personal project directory. It is not recommended to run validation experiments directly within the [RBT_TEST] and [RBT_ROOT] directory hierarchy.

The cpu_benchmark experiment. The cpu_benchmark experiment consists of nine protein-ligand complexes and two RNA-ligand complexes. It represents a small subset of the full rDock docking accuracy validation set and is presented here as the calculations should be short enough to run on a single workstation in a few hours. The full experiments require access to a cluster of machines to run in a tractable length of time. All ligands are non-covalently bound and were chosen to have a range of rotatable bond counts (from 0 to 8)

Table 4.1. Complexes included in the cpu_benchmark experiment


PDB codes

File source


1c1e 5abp 1d3h 1wap 1cil 6rnt 1mld 1mts 1lna

Files used intact from CCDC/Astex "clean" high-resolution test set


1koc 1byj

Prepared by Vernalis

Configuring the environment. You need to define two environment variables to reflect the location of the test suite [RBT_TEST] and the rDock build you wish to test [RBT_ROOT]. Either customise the example setup_validation script (bash shell) provided in the [RBT_TEST] directory, and source the file, or define the environment variables from the command line. You should also add the [RBT_TEST]/bin and [RBT_ROOT]/bin directories to your path, and add [RBT_ROOT[/lib to your library path. For example, using the directory names used in the example unpacking procedure:

$ export RBT_TEST=~/dev/RBT_TEST
$ export RBT_ROOT=~/dev/rDock/2006.1
$ export PATH=${RBT_ROOT}/bin:${RBT_TEST}/bin:${PATH}

Preparing the docking sites. rDock requires a docking site file (.as suffix) to be defined for each receptor. The .as file (also known as an active site file) defines a volume which represents the region of the receptor into which each ligand should be docked. This process is known as cavity mapping and needs be done only once for each receptor prior to running the experiments. The cavity mapping process is quite quick (from a few seconds to a few minutes per complex). The active site files (.as) themselves and associated rDock output log files are generated "in situ" in $RBT_TEST/ccdc_astex/ and $RBT_TEST/na/. Make sure you have write-access to these directories. The only files you will see in your current working directory are the Condor .cmd and .log files. Wait until all Condor jobs have completed before moving to the next step.

$ make_cavities cpu_benchmark
$ condor_submit cav_cpu_benchmark.cmd

Running the experiment. 

$ run_cpu_benchmark [TESTDIR]

where [TESTDIR] is the name of the subdirectory that will be created under your present working directory for the experiment output files. This command creates two Condor command files and automatically submits the jobs:

[TESTDIR]/SF3_100/cpu_benchmark.cmd: 100 docking runs per complex with standard scoring function (SF3)

[TESTDIR]/SF5_100/cpu_benchmark.cmd: 100 docking runs per complex with solvation scoring function (SF5)

As a guide, the jobs require around 100 minutes total CPU time on an dual-processor AMD Opteron 248 with 2GB RAM, for an average of around three seconds per individual docking run.

Output files. After all Condor jobs have completed you should find the following output files for each complex in [TESTDIR]/SF3_100/and [TESTDIR]/SF5_100.

s_[PDB].sd Crystallographic reference ligand pose, with rDock scores (score-only protocol)

m_[PDB].sd Reference ligand pose minimised under rDock scoring function (minimisation protocol)

x_[PDB].sd 100 docked poses (dock protocol)

Each .sd file is accompanied by associated .out and .err files which contain the standard output (rDock output) and standard error for each calculation.

Table 4.2. rDock score components output as SD data fields

Data field





Total receptor-ligand intermolecular score


Total ligand intramolecular score


Total intra-receptor, intra-solvent, and receptor-solvent score


Total external restraint penalty score

SCORE.INTER/INTRA/SYSTEM are weighted sums of the individual scoring function terms listed below. Note that the individual scoring function terms are output as raw values, and must be multiplied by their respective weights (not shown here) in order to reconstitute the total scores.


vdW scores (truncated Tripos 6-12)


Attractive polar interactions (empirical geometric function of distances/angles)


Repulsive polar interactions (SF3 scoring function only)


Desolvation score (weighted SASA, SF5 scoring function only)


Dihedral score calculated over rotatable bonds only

Reporting the scores. The rDock scores for each pose are embedded within each SD data record as listed in Table 4.2, “rDock score components output as SD data fields”. You can use the sdreport script to output the tabulated scores for each pose. For example:

$ sdreport -t

will output the top-level score components (SCORE, SCORE.INTER, SCORE.INTRA, SCORE.RESTR - also SCORE.INTER.VDW) in tab-delimited format. Alternatively you can explicitly list the data fields you wish to output:


Calculating the docking accuracy (RMSD). Use the rmsreport script to generate the SCORE vs RMSD data files for further analysis, where RMSD is the Root Mean Squared Deviation between a docked ligand pose and the crystallographic reference ligand pose (over non-hydrogens only). Run rmsreport within each experiment directory, with no arguments.

$ cd [TESTDIR]/SF3_100
$ rmsreport
$ cd [TESTDIR]/SF5_100
$ rmsreport

rmsreport generates a [PDB].rmcs file and an rms[PDB].sd file for each complex. rms[PDB].sd is a sorted, filtered copy of x_[PDB].sd with the RMSD value added as an additional data field. [PDB].rmcs is a tabulated text file with six columns where:

Col 1: pose number (sorted by total SCORE)

Col 2: SCORE



Col 5: Root Mean Squared Deviation between pose and crystallographic reference (over non-hydrogens only)

Col 6: zero (not used)


Poses that have an excessive cavity penalty (SCORE.RESTR.CAVITY > 1) are removed from the RMSD analysis by rmsreport. A cavity penalty indicates that the ligand pose is not entirely within the defined docking volume, and hence the reported scores can not be trusted.

Example results. View the contents of each .rmcs file. For example, to look at the top three poses for each complex:

$ head -3 *.rmcs

You should find that most of the top-scoring poses have an RMSD less than 2A. Sample results for the SF3 scoring function are shown below, although as rDock uses a stochastic search your results may differ.

== 1byj.rmcs ==
1       -40.955 -33.472 -7.482  2.855   0.000
2       -40.063 -38.091 -1.972  1.457   0.000
3       -38.215 -35.048 -3.168  7.630   0.000
== 1c1e.rmcs ==
1       -27.945 -23.581 0.000   0.265   0.000
2       -27.945 -23.582 0.000   0.264   0.000
3       -27.943 -23.578 0.000   0.263   0.000
== 1cil.rmcs ==
1       -32.052 -28.150 0.517   0.736   0.000
2       -31.312 -27.746 0.844   0.847   0.000
3       -31.116 -26.617 -0.077  1.293   0.000
== 1d3h.rmcs ==
1       -33.697 -22.345 -1.669  2.081   0.000
2       -33.691 -22.268 -1.752  2.059   0.000
3       -33.684 -22.191 -1.801  2.055   0.000
== 1koc.rmcs ==
1       -36.951 -37.164 -0.751  2.549   0.000
2       -36.562 -37.267 -0.341  2.452   0.000
3       -36.538 -37.317 -0.339  2.393   0.000
== 1lna.rmcs ==
1       -23.888 -24.112 0.224   1.255   0.000
2       -23.765 -23.956 0.191   1.114   0.000
3       -23.720 -23.496 -0.224  1.142   0.000
== 1mld.rmcs ==
1       -28.396 -28.905 0.957   1.697   0.000
2       -28.215 -28.151 0.410   1.246   0.000
3       -28.124 -28.232 0.436   1.508   0.000
== 1mts.rmcs ==
1       -38.309 -34.850 -0.727  1.313   0.000
2       -38.162 -35.351 -0.395  1.389   0.000
3       -37.852 -34.274 -0.869  1.157   0.000
== 1wap.rmcs ==
1       -42.289 -34.939 0.040   0.494   0.000
2       -41.818 -34.907 0.206   0.459   0.000
3       -41.769 -35.130 0.209   0.939   0.000
== 5abp.rmcs ==
1       -43.287 -38.021 0.370   0.886   0.000
2       -42.811 -37.664 0.367   0.893   0.000
3       -42.684 -37.426 0.361   0.907   0.000
== 6rnt.rmcs ==
1       -29.970 -26.189 -4.422  1.760   0.000
2       -29.368 -24.156 -5.368  1.356   0.000
3       -29.233 -24.059 -5.349  1.406   0.000

[1] Validation of an empirical RNA-ligand scoring function for fast flexible docking using RiboDock, SD Morley and M Afshar, J. Comput.-Aided Mol. Des., 18 (2004) 189-208.

[2] You will see many references to Rbt in the documentation, but particularly in the source code.  This is because the program was initially written within the company RiboTargets.

[3] Condor is available from the University of Wisconsin (