CCP4 web logo CCP4 Bulletin Board Archive YSBL web logo

An official archive of the CCP4 Bulletin Board is now being kept at York Structural Biology Laboratory. It has messages from as early as February 1998, but the threads are not necessarily complete; the complete archive starts in February 2000. Messages concerning Job Vacancies and Conference/Workshop Announcements have been removed.

Clicking on a link below, will bring up a chronological list of titles of the messages, from which you can browse to the actual message you are interested in.

The archive for 1998 is:

The archive for 1999 is:

The archive for 2000 is:

The archive for 2001 is:

The archive for 2002 is:
2002 (complete to 17-OCT-2002)

The archive for 2003 is:
2003 (complete to 30-APR-2003)

The full available archive (big!) up to 15-JUN-2001 is:

Maria Turkenburg