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Re: [ccp4bb]: B factor plot after anisotropic refinement

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On Sun, 27 May 2001, GUAN wrote:

> I know how to generate B factor plots of the main chain and side chain
> with isotropic B factors, but after refining the anisotropic B factors
> with REFMAC5, how to generate the B factor plots?

I would recommend checking out PARVATI.
This is a web server set up by Ethan Merritt for analyzing anisotropic
thermal factors. I don't recall whether it gives a per-residue plot like
you ask, but it gives you overall statistics and points out outliers.

there is a reference for this, which is available on the web site.

"Liberation from superstition is a necessary but not
 sufficient condition for science." - Carl Sagan
                        David J. Schuller
                        modern man in a post-modern world
                        MacCHESS, Cornell University