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[ccp4bb]: selenomet (MSE) and Refmac5

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Dear All,

I am using Refmac5 through the CCP4I-4.1.1 interface and am wondering
whether selenomethionine (MSE) is being recognized properly on
coordinate file input.

To start, I mutated MET to MSE in "O" and here is representative output
of the relevant part of the coordinate file from "O":

ATOM    320  N   MSE X  41      29.824  31.488  35.626  1.00 11.19   7
ATOM    321  CA  MSE X  41      29.652  32.610  36.538  1.00 11.64   6
ATOM    322  CB  MSE X  41      28.225  33.094  36.510  1.00 12.01   6
ATOM    323  CG  MSE X  41      27.852  33.686  35.170  1.00 14.13   6
ATOM    324  SE  MSE X  41      28.681  35.384  34.700  1.00 20.00  34
ATOM    325  CE  MSE X  41      27.259  36.407  35.447  1.00 17.00   6
ATOM    326  C   MSE X  41      30.038  32.246  37.955  1.00 11.06   6
ATOM    327  O   MSE X  41      30.707  33.006  38.648  1.00 10.75   8

Note "34" for SE in the last column of the fifth row.

Using the above coordinate file from "O" as input, here is the resulting
relevant part of the output file after refinement with Refmac5:

ATOM    629  N   MSE X  41      29.826  31.486  35.628  1.00
11.15           N
ATOM    631  CA  MSE X  41      29.653  32.611  36.538  1.00
11.57           C
ATOM    633  CB  MSE X  41      28.227  33.091  36.512  1.00
11.90           C
ATOM    636  CG  MSE X  41      27.851  33.685  35.175  1.00
14.00           C
ATOM    639  SE  MSE X  41      28.681  35.387  34.704  1.00
5.03           S
ATOM    640  CE  MSE X  41      27.244  36.414  35.435  1.00
16.74           C
ATOM    644  C   MSE X  41      30.036  32.247  37.952  1.00
10.98           C
ATOM    645  O   MSE X  41      30.706  33.002  38.641  1.00
10.84           O

>From the above, Refmac5 appears to be interpreting the SE atom (34
electrons) as sulfur (16 electrons) (I guess also giving the
unexpectedly low B value for Se).

I'd appreciate any advice or help.

Thanks -- David


David R. Buckler

679 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ  08854
phone: (732) 235-5164
fax:   (732) 235-5289
e-mail: buckler@cabm.rutgers.edu