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Re: [ccp4bb]: Redhat 7* users.

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Alun Ashton wrote:
> PS - I am aware that GCC (3.0) has been released (Thanks David S.) but i
> just haven't had the time/courage to break my system and install/test it
> yet.....

Once you have a working C compiler, (i.e. you've upgraded 7.0 to 2.96-69
or 7.1 to 2.96-85), then the best thing to do is to compile and install
a stable version, such as 2.95.3, in /usr/local/

(Yes, 3.0 is worth a try, but I have not done so).

For me this was as easy as downloading the tarballs from gcc.org
(including cpp and g77, and also g++ and libstdc++ in my case), and
doing a configure, make, make install. There is no interference with the
rest of the system. 2.95.3 also seems about twice as fast (compiling)
than 2.96-x. Then change FC to /usr/local/bin/g77 and CC to
/usr/local/bin/gcc in the Makefiles in $CLIBS and $CPROG

Waiting for a working Fortran compiler to come out of RedHat seems to be
a non-viable approach to the problem.