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[ccp4bb]: 3D projection system

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Hi all.  

(First, my apologies to those who may have already received this from
another list.) 

Our department has received a small grant and is planning to install a
projector system in a small conference room, with capabilities for 3D
(stereo) viewing.  We'd like to hear suggestions for or experiences with
such a system.  What equipment (computer, projector, 3D eyewear,
software) are others using for this type of system?  All suggestions are

        Susan Heffron
Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics                               
University of California, Irvine                
 Irvine, CA  92697-4560   U.S.A.                         
    phone:  (949) 824-4625
    FAX:    (949) 824-8540