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[ccp4bb]: Deleted C terminus

We have seen in two consecutive cases C terminus Oxygens
deleted or at least with high negative diff. density peaks.
Is there anyone who encountered this?
"He is not the slave of the stars but their Maker. Is it not said
in all the old stories that He is not a tame lion."
                                        C.S.Lewis, The Last Battle
 Jan Dohnalek  (Mr.)                        
 Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry       
 Heyrovskeho nam. 2, 162 06 Praha 6          
 Czech Republic (search in the middle of Europe) 
 Tel. : ++4202 20403205                          
 Fax:  ++4202 35357981                            
 E-mail: dohnalek@imc.cas.cz                    