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[ccp4bb]: how to control the size of ps file in npo? <a summary and thanks>

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Dear all,

Here I have a chance to ask for help to a problem with the old command-line ccp4 version at a brandnew era of ccp4i.

Year ago I produced some patterson maps for heavy atom harker peaks in P212121 space group. The ps file is fine when printed out, but when viewed with xpsview, the top portion is missing! Today I try to convert it to pdf format using acrobat distiller, the top portion in the pdf file is still missing.

I'm thinking of aligning different sections up so as to have a nice view of the heavy atom sites. Of cause, printing the images out and then scanning them back to computer is a way out. But it is really a clumsy one.

I'm attaching the input file and one of the problematic ps file here, wish anybody could give me a shortcut. In fact, I could not find a control line to specify the image site in npo. Would it be possible for me to get the control by modification of the ASCII ps file?

Thanks in advance.

Sincerely Yours,



Dear Yong,

  The bounding box in the postscript file is wrong. If you have
ghostscript up-and-running do a

gs -sDEVICE=bbox c3hg-y.ps

to get the right bounding box and change the corresponding entry in the
postscript file (%%BoundingBox: and %%PageBoundingBox:).


              Dr Nicholas M. Glykos, Crystallography Group
            IMBB, FORTH, PO Box 1527, 71110 Heraklion, Crete
          GREECE, Tel ++30-(0)81-394429, Fax ++30-(0)81-394351
             Web : http://origin.imbb.forth.gr/~glykos/ and

Just edit the ASCII file as follows:

replace the line that says
    %%BoundingBox: 0 0 365 800

with the followin three lines
%%Orientation: Portrait
%%DocumentMedia: A4 596 842
%%BoundingBox: 18 18 578 824

I am attatching the modified file.

Hope it helps.

Michel N. Fodje

  Michel N. Fodje
  Molecular Biophysics, Center for Chemistry & Chemical Engineering,
  Lund University, Box 124 221 00, Lund -
  Tel(W): +46(0)46 2224566 Fax: +46(0)462224692 Tel(H): +46(0)46155035

Dear Yong TANG,

insert a scale command in the postscript file at the end of the postscript
file header. E.g. to scale both x and y by 0.5 add "0.5 0.5 scale"

%%Page: 1 1
%%PageBoundingBox: 0 0 365 800
0.5 0.5 scale

Regards, Scott

Have you tried using ghostview instead of xpsview? The file looks fine
when I look at it in ghostview.

I think xpsview is broken with respect to large bounding boxes.
Distiller may be too.

Failing that, add the line:

0.5 0.5 scale

as line 14 of the ps file.

from: Kevin Cowtan

I used Illustrator running under classic running under osx and the file opened without a hitch. I exported it to a jpg file in rgb color mode with standard compression and attached that file to show the results. Hence it is not your file but your programs that are to blame.

from: James Stroud