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[ccp4bb]: refmac review mode

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Dear All:

I see that refmac5 has a review mode to check input and I want
to use it just for that before I continue. If I look up the 
keyword references, 'REVIEW' returns no hit. What am I 
missing here? Is this not supposed to run only in review mode
like MODE REVIEW or something?


PS: blame it on the approaching celebration of the illegal secession
from the British Empire....

Dr. Bernhard Rupp
Macromolecular Crystallography and Structural Genomics  
LLNL-BBRP L448                               Phone (925) 423-3273
University of California                     Phax  (925) 424-3130
Livermore, CA 94551                          email    br@llnl.gov
URL                                 http://www-structure.llnl.gov
TB Structural Genomics Consortium  http://www.doe-mbi.ucla.edu/TB
EU Mirror  http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/ccp/web-mirrors/llnlrupp/