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Re: [ccp4bb]: Comparing protein quaternary structures

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Wulf Blankenfeldt wrote:
> Dear all,
> sorry for this CCP4-unrelated question:
> I have a multimeric protein with a quaternary organisation unknown at least
> to me. Are there any search tools to look for similar assemblies? I thought
> I've seen such a thing a while ago, didn't pay enough attention at that time.
> Thanks,
> Wulf


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Maria Turkenburg

Dr. Maria Turkenburg
Department of Chemistry            phone: +44 1904 432599
University of York                 fax  : +44 1904 410519
Heslington, York              email: mgwt@ysbl.york.ac.uk
UK-YO1 5DD        URL: http://www.yorvic.york.ac.uk/~mgwt 