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Re: [ccp4bb]: Movies for PowerPoints.

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>I thought someone had recently enquired about how to make movies of
>rotating structures for importing into PowerPoint. I've searched the ccp4
>archives but can't find the Q/A.
>So, what programs do people use to do this?

I create individual frames in MidasPlus running on SGI (use a simple 
script to render picture and rotate repetitively), stitch the 
individual frames into a QuickTime movie using MediaConvert on SGI 
(various options available for compression and file formats) and then 
ftp to my Mac.

Examples of such QuickTime movies at:

http://www.bmb.psu.edu/tan/tanlab_website/tanlab_gallery_proteins.html and



Dr. Song Tan
Assistant Professor in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Center for Gene Regulation
Dept of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
108 Althouse Laboratory   (office & lab in 3 Althouse Laboratory)
Penn State University
University Park, PA   16802
email:  sxt30@psu.edu    http://www.bmb.psu.edu/tan
phone:  814-865-3355     fax: 814-863-7024