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Re: [ccp4bb]: list of residues buried in an interface

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"Fred. Vellieux" wrote:
> Is there some program around that takes a number of coordinate files
> (understand: PDB files) corresponding to an "aggregate" (e.g. a dimer)
> and to the separate subunits, and provides a table of the residues
> buried in the subunit-subunit interface(s)?
A related question, which may be equivalent depending on what you want 
to use the list for, is "Which atoms in molecule A are within a threshold
distance of an atom in mol B?"  This list can be printed by the appended
FORTRAN code PDBDIST3. Using the script pdbd3 lets you put all the parameters
on a single line so in tcsh you can hit <up arrow> and edit the line to run
it again with different threshold distance or pdb file:

sb20 19% pdbd3 b.pdb a.pdb 3.5
  Listing intermolecular contacts closer than    3.500000    
    between b.pdb           and a.pdb          
        CB  ARG B 113       CB  TYR A   4   3.3
        O   PRO B  43       CD1 TYR A   4   3.1
        O   PRO B  43       CE1 TYR A   4   3.3
        CB  PRO B  43       CD2 LEU A   8   3.5
        OE1 GLU B 373       CB  THR A  34   3.3
        OE1 GLU B 373       OG1 THR A  34   3.4
        CZ  ARG B 287       OE1 GLU A  60   3.5
        NH1 ARG B 287       OE1 GLU A  60   3.1
        NH2 ARG B 287       OE1 GLU A  60   3.1
        CD  ARG B 287       ND1 HIS A  61   3.4
        NE  ARG B 287       ND1 HIS A  61   3.5
        CD  ARG B 287       CE1 HIS A  61   3.3
It's a trivial program compared to rolling sphere algorithms (or anything else
except "hello world"), but if what you want is a list of atoms (residues)
involved in a contact, I think this is the most direct answer. I presume the
same function is available in some of the standard software packages.
The script pdbd3:
#!/bin/csh -f
/path/pdbdist3 <<eof
$3 3.5  #fortran will get first number on line, 3.5 if nothing entered for $3

The fortran pdbdist3:
(Note the first PDB file's coordinates are stored in aray M1 which is here
dimensioned for 7000 atoms. If that value is exceeded the program prints
out a warning then goes on working with only the first 7000 atoms. )

	real*8 M1(3,7000),M2(3),d
	character*14 nres(7000),nres2

1200	FORMAT(A)
	write(6,*)'Read 2 .PDB files and list all pairs of atoms '
	write(6,*) 'in one file within threshold distance'
	write(6,*) 'of atom in other file'

c 	read first file into m1
6	WRITE(6,*) 'ENTER NAME OF 1st pdb file:'
	READ(5,1200) INFILE1
	IF (INFILE1(:5).EQ.'     ') STOP
8	WRITE(6,*) 'ENTER NAME OF 2nd pdb file:'
	READ(5,1200) INFILE2
	IF (INFILE2(:5).EQ.'     ') STOP

	write(6,*)'List atoms closer than R. R=?'
	read (5,*) thresh
	write(6,*)'Listing intermolecular contacts closer than ',thresh
	write(6,*) '   between ',INFILE1(:15),' and ',INFILE2(:15)
c 	read coord         
c50	read(2,51,end=85) nres(k),(m1(i,k),I=1,3)
50	read(2,1200,end=85) ASTRING
	if ((ASTRING(1:6).eq.'ATOM  ').or.(ASTRING(1:6).eq.'HETATM')) then
c	write(6,*) ASTRING
	DECODE(70,51,ASTRING) nres(k),(m1(i,k),I=1,3)
c51 	format (30x,3d8.3,2f6.2)
51      format (12x,A14,4x,3d8.3,2f6.2)
c	write(6,*) k,nres(k),(m1(i,k),I=1,3)
	if (k.gt.7000) write(6,*) 'dimensioned for <7000 atoms in first file!'
	if (k.gt.7000) goto 85
80	goto 50

85	read(3,1200,end=1160)  ASTRING
	if ((ASTRING(1:6).eq.'ATOM  ').or.(ASTRING(1:6).eq.'HETATM')) then
	DECODE(70,51,ASTRING) nres2,(m2(i),I=1,3)
c	write(6,*) nres2,(m2(i),I=1,3)

	do 110 j=1,k-1

88	x=0.
	do 90 i=1,3
90	x=x+(m1(i,j)-m2(i))**2
c	write(6,*) j,nres(j),(m1(i,j),I=1,3), nres2,(m2(i),I=1,3),d
110	if (d.le.thresh) write (6,111) nres(j),nres2,d
111	format (' ',2A20,16f6.1)
	goto 85

1160	CLOSE(UNIT=2)
	if (k.gt.7000) write(6,*)'***First file truncated after',k-1,' Atoms!***'