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[ccp4bb]: list of residues buried in an interface

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Dear CCP4BB subscribers,

Maybe this is just a wish that I have which is not yet fulfilled...

Is there some program around that takes a number of coordinate files
(understand: PDB files) corresponding to an "aggregate" (e.g. a dimer)
and to the separate subunits, and provides a table of the residues
buried in the subunit-subunit interface(s)?

I know this can be done visually on the graphics station, using
very high-tech supplementary equipment (paper + pencil). But having
it done "automagically" sounds nice to me... laziness being a quality,
of course.


s-mail: F.M.D. Vellieux (B.Sc., Ph.D.)
        Institut de Biologie Structurale J.-P. Ebel CEA CNRS UJF
        41 rue Jules Horowitz
        38027 Grenoble Cedex 01
Tel:    (+33) (0) 438789605
Fax:    (+33) (0) 438785494
e-mail: vellieux@ibs.fr
 Don't even think of asking me: "I would              Het leven is genieten
  if I could, but I can't" (L.R., 1998)               (to live is to enjoy)