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[ccp4bb]: Scala Scaling Masterclass

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Dear All,

Phil Evans recently did a Scala Scaling Masterclass at Daresbury
Laboratory on the 8th of August. The over-heads from Phil's talk have been
made available on


The session was also filmed and this tape has now been converted to an
online movie - its also in the same area and can be viewed alongside the
slides. On some systems this may require some browser setting up but I
have (only!) found it to work on a windows NT machine using Internet
Explorer and MediaPlayer V6.4.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback on these pages though I am aware
that performace e.g. to the US is a bit poor

Comments on the lines of:

1) its too slow!
2) It did/nt work on my system X
3) Phil should be nominated for an Oscar... sorry Phil :)
4) can I mirror the talks?

all welcome!


PS suggestions for the topic of the next masterclass greatly
appreciated (weve already had a Mosflm and Refmac5 one but im
afriad they were not filmed)! Those wishing to attend future
masterclasses should let me know but they are really only suitable for
folks in the UK who can make it to and from DL in a day....

PPS performance may also be slow due to initial 'surge' of intrest!
Alun Ashton,   awa@ccp4.ac.uk    Tel: +44 1925 603528
CCP4,          ccp4@ccp4.ac.uk   Fax: +44 1925 603825
Daresbury Lab,  Daresbury,  Warrington,  UK,  WA4 4AD