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[ccp4bb]: updated Tcl/Tk/BLT on CCP4 ftp server

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Dear All

After recent (entirely justified!) complaints about the pre-built
Tcl/Tk/BLT executables on the CCP4 ftp server, I have rebuilt the IRIX
and OSF1 binaries and also added a new webpage to the relevant ftp

Please ignore this message if you are already happily using Tcl/Tk 8.3
and BLT 2.4 on your system, since the source code has NOT been updated.
Otherwise you can pick up the packages by accessing


and following the appropriate link (alternatively you can connect
directly via anonymous ftp to the server).

Please send complaints etc about the new files to
me: p.j.briggs@ccp4.ac.uk



Peter J Briggs, pjx@ccp4.ac.uk   Tel: +44 1925 603826
CCP4,           ccp4@ccp4.ac.uk  Fax: +44 1925 603825
Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington   WA4 4AD