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[ccp4bb]: Disruption again...

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Dear All,

Nimda worm 

Once again the computing community is hit by a silly virus/worm. Once
again this is mostly a problem for Microsoft poducts. 

As a result Daresbury servers have been hidden behind a 'fire wall' for
the last few days (someone pulled the plug). Things should slowly come
back to 'normal'. ccp4bb messages have probably been afected. 

For information on the worm please refer to

PS. im currently out of the office so cant establish the extent of the
Alun Ashton,   awa@ccp4.ac.uk    Tel: +44 1925 603528
CCP4,          ccp4@ccp4.ac.uk   Fax: +44 1925 603825
Daresbury Lab,  Daresbury,  Warrington,  UK,  WA4 4AD