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[ccp4bb]: Tetragonal Twinning & Detwin - Summary #1 and story so far!!

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Dear all....

	First I must thank those of you who have replied so far for you
help.. but I still have doubts... I will try and clear this up...

> However, if you are lucky and the NCS axes do not run parallel to the
> crystallographic axes, you should then be able to differentiate between
> NCS and pseudo-crystallographic two-fold axes (caused by perfect
> twinning) by examination of the self rotation function.
Unfortunately, I am not that lucky!!!
I have 2mols per asu in p422 (therefore 4 in p4). (everything SHOULD fit)
My NCS two fold does run parallel to my crystallographic axes, as I have
rather nice looking pseudo-translations peaks on my native patterson...

> Take a look at your TRUNCATE (there it is again) output to see if your
> intensity (or better E-value) distributions are normal or not. If they
> indicate twinning then I fear you do have a problem.

I have put both Intensitiy distributions and 1st and 3rd moments graphs
for p4 and p422 data on the web at...


see what you think....
(I think I'm getting conflicting answers again!!)

The Detwin program indicated a near perfect twin for the p4 scaled data.
As there are no twinning operators for p422, I could not use detwin on
this data.
The UCLA twinning server, allows you to detect presence of a perfect twin
using your higher space group (for me, P422) The perfect twin test gave a
resounding "NO, you are not twinned!". However, the partial twin test
using p4 data gave a "yes, you are greater that 45% twinned" answer.

Which is right!!!


		Confused of Birkbeck....

*	Dave Briggs			*	Toxin Group Webpages				*
*	School of Crystallography	*							*
*	Birkbeck College		* http://student.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/~ebrig02/toxin/	*
*	Malet Street			*							*
*	Bloomsbury			*	My Webpages					*
*	London				*							*
*	WC1E 7HX			* http://student.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/~ebrig02/		*