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[ccp4bb]: Re: Hole in a needle-like crystal (Kaoru Mitsuoka)

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Does the hole go all of the way through? If not, then it is probably a "growth defect" related to differing rates of crystal growth at different parts of the crystal, usually when the crystals grow "too fast". I have seen many such holes and they generally appear in the same place on different crystals depending on how the axes are aligned with respect to the drop. The crystal that I got the bulk of my native data for my first structure had such a "growth defect", so I am usually happy to see these. However, this fortunate correlation may not apply to all projects.

 James C. Stroud
 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
 University of Colorado at Boulder
 Boulder, CO 80309

 Tel: 303-492-4503      Fax: 303-735-1347