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[ccp4bb]: Mercury Phenyl Glyoxal - Summary

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Dear ccp4-ers

	First of all, I would like to thank Felix Vajdos, Patrick Loll and
Marko Hyvonen for their rapid responses.

	It seems to be the general consensus that the prep for mercury
phenyl glyoxal on the Metazoa.com website is wrong. Other alternatives
have been suggested and we'll let you know if they work when it happens...

	The mercury phenyl glyoxal as reported in Wilson et al Nature,
289, pp386, 1981, was in fact not Mercury phenyl glyoxal, and the heavy
atom sites bound were due to residual mercury in the compound.

	The two structures that claim the use of Mercury phenyl glyoxal
are Haemagglutinin (2HMG)(from Don Wiley, reference above) and Galactose
binding protein 2(GBP). None of the mercury sites are anywhere near and
	I have also heard that the compound has been used in Dave
Stewart's lab in Oxford, if anyone has any information regarding this then
could they please let me know.

	It does seem like mercury phenyl glyoxal is a bit of a myth.

	Thanks once again to all concerned for their help


David Briggs			| Tel : 0207 631 6835
Bacterial Toxins Group		|
School of Crystallography	| Fax : 0207 631 6803
Birkbeck College		|
Malet St			| http://student.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/~ebrig02/
London				|
WC1E 7HX			| Office : EB9/B092