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Re: [ccp4bb]: Faculty Position in Structural Biology at MSU

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Brent Segelke wrote:
> ***  For details on how to be removed from this list visit the  ***
> ***          CCP4 home page http://www.ccp4.ac.uk         ***
> Speaking from the perspective of someone who can't spell a lick, I hope for
> a little latitude should a few errors creep in to my postings. On the other
> hand I find G DVD K's comments refreshing and entertaining. I hope people
> aren't put off by these remarks such that they would be disinclined to
> contribute to the bulletin bored.
> p.s. I use spell check.

I agree. With most of the statements in this thread. I agree with
Gerard (Swedish or otherwise) that certain postings should not contain
errors like the 'your' in the original. I agree with Brent that some
errors are perfectly allowed, even after spell check. I agree with
Lothar that Gerard should occasionally use the shift key to get a
capital letter or two in.

But I don't agree with people who have problems with postings like
Gerard's. They do have their place on a bulletin board like this one.
In fact, most things go, as far as I'm concerned. And although that
should not be seen as a general CCP4 opinion, I know for a fact that
some of the other staff agree with me. And some of these threads do
actually make it to the archive (which can be found at
http://www.ysbl.york.ac.uk/ccp4bb/)! Also, because 'anything goes',
nobody should be afraid to send anything to the bulletin board. No
need for anonimity, I should think. Mistakes are there to be made.
If YOU don't do it in public, lots of others will keep doing it some
other way. Let's all try to help each other to make as few as
possible, at least when it comes to crystallography. The rest is a

And when it comes to writing the 'recent bulletin board discussions'
entry for the CCP4 newsletter, I try to edit out as many errors as I
can (and I 'capitalise' Gerard's Is ;o)).

Maria Turkenburg

Dr. Maria Turkenburg
Department of Chemistry            phone: +44 1904 432599
University of York                 fax  : +44 1904 410519
Heslington, York              email: mgwt@ysbl.york.ac.uk
UK-YO1 5DD        URL: http://www.yorvic.york.ac.uk/~mgwt 