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[ccp4bb]: Version 7.2 of RedHat

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Although the CCS web page on the Redhat Linux distribution mentions Redhat
version 7.0

see:  http://www.cc.ic.ac.uk/information/userdocs/linux/bultn/l201.htm

I notice that version 7.1 is available.  There is also a directory for the
recent 7.2 version but this is protected:

see: http://unix-software.cc.ic.ac.uk/imperial/software/os/RedHat/

I need to install Redhat Linux on 3 PCs and would like to know when version
7.2 is likely to be available.

Many thanks


Peter Brick,  Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College,
Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BW, UK
Tel: 020-7594-7704  Fax: 020-7589-0191