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[ccp4bb]: Difficulties with refmac5 dictionary usage: Problem #3

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It's me again.  New problem.

As best as I can make out, refmac5 is totally ignoring any torsion angle
restraints in my private monomer library files.  I say this because:
A)  adding or deleting torsion restraints from my library does not cause 
      the total number of restraints reported during refinement to change
B)   tightening the torsion restraints by a factor of 200x does not cause
      the course of the refinement to change whatsoever (output pdb
      files as well as the log files are identical after changing the weights)
C)   setting MONItor MEDIum / MONItor TORSion 1.0 
      produces no listing for torsion restraint deviations in the output

Is this a known bug?  

Ethan A Merritt       merritt@u.washington.edu
Biomolecular Structure Center Box 357742
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
phone: (206)543-1421
FAX:   (206)685-7002