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[ccp4bb]: Errors running sfcheck on IRIX 6.5.4

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Whenever we try to run sfcheck from ccp4-4.1 on our Octane, we get the
following error in the logfile:

  --- SFCHECK --- /Vers 5.3.4 ; 10.06.1999/

  Do you want to have FILE-DOCUMENT /sfcheck.log/ ? /<N>/Y/:

 Input file with model (format PDB or CIF or BLANC)
        Type file name with extention or just CR /it means without this file/
        Extention "crd" means BLANC file, "cif" - CIFile
 Input file with Fobs (format  ASCII (CIF or PDB) or BLANC or MTZ)
        Type file name with extention or just CR /it means without this file/
        Extention "dat" means BLANC file, extention "mtz" means MTZ file
 FILE_SF:  INPUT FILE :/unhappy/home/dave/CHESS_JUNE_01/X68_MAPS/BUILD_MW+DC4/merge0_dmm;

  (Q)QOPEN: file opened on unit  1      Status: READONLY
 Logical Name: /unhappy/home/dave/CHESS_JUNE_01/X68_MAPS/BUILD_MW+DC4/merge0_dmmulti0_99.mtz      Filename: /unhappy/home/dave/CHESS

* Information from CCP4Interface script
The program run with command: sfcheck
has failed with error message
inwrite: off end of record
apparent state: unit -1 named
last format: list io
Unit -1 is a (null) formatted internal file
*** Execution Terminated (110) ***

The problems page for ccp4-4.1 mentions a similar problem with molrep, but
the patch for sfcheck on that page doesn't address this. Any thoughts on
what might be going on?

Thanks in advance!

-- Matt

   Matthew Zimmerman
   Interdisciplinary Biophysics, University of Virginia