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[ccp4bb]: taking xtals to ESRF, summary

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Dear All,
	   Thank you for everyones replies to my question about
transporting xtals to the ESRF.  Here is a quick summary of most
of the points made.

	When it comes to eurostar other people appear to have
had the same reply that I had when they try to arrange things
in advance.  That is "everything must go in the baggage carriage".
This does not really help with unfrozen crystals. Many of these
people have then just turned up at Waterloo anyway and then got
away with it.  Being armed with a letter from the head of department
appears to help as well.  The trouble with this approach is that
you are putting your experiment at the whim of whoever is at the
security check.  Some people have been told the opposite, though,
so it probably depends on who at eurostar you talk to.
	Those of you who have got positive replies, who did you talk

	The other approach is to fly.  We did not even think of this as we
thought that there wouldn't be a chance in hell after September.  But this
appears to not be the case.  The airlines appear to be slightly more
approachable but they require lots of paperwork.  Air France and Buzz
airlines have come up and they appear to be quite good.  We have flown with Air
France before and made the travel agent at STA travel deal with them about the
baggage.  To our surprise everything got sorted out on the airline side.
But Heathrow security were not informed and kicked up a right fuss.  I
think that this is something that must be remembered.  Even if the airline
says OK, they don't in fact override airport security and so they need to be
informed as well. Buzz at Stanstead seem good but you have to talk to
their cargo department and the security manager at Stanstead (who appears
easier to deal with than eurostar).
	Martin Walsh  at BM14 has said that he will put some documentation
from IATA on the BM14 web site that may prove useful in persuading
companies that what you are carrying is safe.  Also, can those of you who
have successful methods, e-mail Martin and he will put the advice on the web
page as well.

	There has been some worry about fedexing dewars as well because
they are insisting that everything must be searchable or x-rayable but
apparently you can see through them with the x-ray machines so this
shouldn't be a problem.

	Lastly there have been a few pieces of advice about making your
un-frozen xtals "security" proof.  These fall into three main categories:
1.  Put the drops into capillaries that can be stored securely and then
the drops can be recovered at ESRF.
2.  Remove as much of the reservoir as possible which should lessen the
possibility of splashing.
3.  Add something to the reservoir such as glass wool to reduce the risk
of splashing.

	Clearly a lot of people regularly undergo similar problems to the
ones that we have had and since people are going regularly to Grenoble
then it needs ironing out.  It would be good if one of the companies could
be approached by someone representing British crystallography to see if we
can work out a system that makes it easier for everyone.  I'm sure the
companies could do with the custom anyway.  Failing that we should just
get a very fast boat!

Thanks to everyone that sent a reply,

					Ambrose Cole

Birkbeck College