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[ccp4bb]: CCP4 For Linux update....

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Thanks to eveyone who gave me feedback, particularly Robert Campbell and 
Nicholas Keep.

I've now updated the script so that it now works OK on Red Hat 6.2, Red Hat 
7.0, Red Hat 7.1, and Red Hat 7.2 (both compilers), and at least one 
concoction of Debian. Hopefully most others should be OK now.
NOTE: If you don't have a full set of development packages installed, then it 
isn't going to work and there is nothing I can do for you. You may also need 
to tidy up your environment or path first.

ncftpget is now used in preference to wget, since it is both more widespread 
and appears to be better at getting through filewalls. wget is available as a 
command-line option (-wget).

FTP mirrors may be selected on the command line (-us and -jp).

You can now download and install separately, using the -nodownload and 
-noinstall options. You can therefore put the suite on your home machine or 
laptop by running -noinstall on a machine with a good net connection, burning 
the resulting directories onto a CD, copying to the other machine, and 
running -nodownload.

There has only been one change affecting the software itself, so if you 
already have a working install you probably don't want to do it again: mosflm 
may now work. (Optimisation is now turned off for mosflm. You will get better 
results faster by using the latest version for Cambridge, but I hope it may 
work now. Unfortunately I don't have an autotest for mosflm).

Details at http://www.yorvic.york.ac.uk/~cowtan/ccp4/ccp4.html


Department of Chemistry, University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD