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[ccp4bb]: A question...

... for the old hardcore crystallographers:
What are P222, P2(1)2(1)2(1),P2(1)2(1)2, etc. to themselves ?
Iso....   what ?

                 *               F.X. Gomis-Rueth              *
                 * Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona *
                 *   Centre  d'Investigacio i Desenvolupament  *
                 *                   C.S.I.C.                  *
                 *        Carrer Jordi Girona, 18 - 26         *
                 *           08034 Barcelona (Spain)           *
                 *        Tel.:(+34-93) 400 61 44              *
                 *        Fax.:(+34-93) 204 59 04              *
                 *        e-mail: xgrcri@ibmb.csic.es          *
                 *   homepage: http://www.cid.csic.es/~xgrcri  *