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Re: [ccp4bb]: making movie by Bobscript

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I don't use bobscript, but the following assumes that it uses the same
syntax as molscript.
One can use a script to run the program again and again.

In the input file, add lines in the transform atom section as follows

transform atom * by centre position atom *
!by rotation z 90 etc...
by rotation y %Y% 

then you can write a script which substitutes %Y% for the each
subsequent angle and renders the image: 

#!/bin/csh -f

# use perl to write a list of formatted numbers from 000 to 044
foreach n (`perl -e 'foreach$f(0..44){printf"%03d ",$f}'`)
# convert those numbers to rotation angles
@ y = $n * 8
# substitute each angle into the input file and render with molscript
and r3d
sed "s/%Y%/$y/g" del.in | molscript -r | render -sgi movie${n}.sgi

# now combine the 45 images into an animated gif
convert movie[0-9][0-9][0-9].sgi movie.gif

Something similar should be possible with bobscript and other movie
compiling software.
Dr Charles S. Bond        University of Dundee   Tel: +44-1382-348325
Honorary Lecturer               Dow St, Dundee   Fax: +44-1382-345764  
BBSRC David Phillips Fellow  DD1 5EH, Scotland  C.S.Bond@dundee.ac.uk
School of Life Sciences      http://stein.bioch.dundee.ac.uk/~charlie