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[ccp4bb]: Re: AMoRe error message

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On Wed, 17 Jul 2002, [gb2312] Àî ÁÖÉ­ wrote:

> > >S/R LECTAB < RESOLUTION MISTMACH:***********    4.000

you say you changed the resolution several times.  did you always keep the 
resolution the same for the model and the target?  in the ROTING script I 
am looking at, resolution appears 3 times, in a GENERATE line, a CLMN 
CRYSTAL line and a CLMN MODEL line, and i think they all have to be the 
same resolution.

Life is a struggle, not against sin, not against the Money Power, not 
against the malicious animal magnetism, but against hydrogen ions.
                                                - H.L. Mencken
                        David J. Schuller
                        modern man in a post-modern world
                        MacCHESS, Cornell University