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Re: [ccp4bb]: Re: [o-info] R-sym I/sigI etc...

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Hi folks

Just a thought about this, based on experience with the same kind of
comments from Acta C referees (yes, I used to be a small molecule
crystallographer); it is probably worthwhile asking the referee (through
the appropriate editor, possibly, though in my cases I knew the referee
well enough to ask directly) just why they're objecting and what you
need to do to address their problem. Bear in mind that a large proportion
of referees are probably practising crystallographers (I hope, rather than
expect, that it would be 100% and that the probability close to 1!), so it
may be a point of genuine concern rather than "just" being picky.

Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC Centre, Hills
Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH