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Re: [ccp4bb]: Re: structure factors/quality control

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On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, Thomas Stout wrote:

> Here's a heretical suggestion:  can we as the crystallographic
> community who wish to have our "product" continue to be viewed
> in high esteem (I presume), request that the PDB - perhaps through
> the body of the IUCr - "certify" those structures which have
> been deposited (and verified) with the supporting data, while
> classifying those submitted as coordinates only as "preliminary"
> or "unverified"?

An equally heretical suggestion:  perhaps we should abandon all these
posteriori attempts to adopt the crystallographic equivalent of the MOT
(vehicle inspection) and write more public domain tools to spot
crystallographic glitches at the source.

If there has been an improvement in protein structure quality, it has come
from within the crystallographic community from the tools that have been
developed to improve refinement and analysis, not from PDB.  The only
thing ADIT encourages me to do is consume more aspirin.

Phil  (wondering how many gold stars the bioinformaticists would give his
       structures ;)
| Phil Jeffrey                                  |                             |
| Crystallography Facility Manager              | If you lie to the compiler, |
| Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NYC   | it will get its revenge     |
| phil@xray2.mskcc.org                          |     - Henry Spencer         |
| Voice: (212) 639 8547   Fax: (212) 717 3135   |                             |