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[ccp4bb]: Re: network printer configuration [SUMMARY]

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Hi folks,

With the help of those guys/gals (Julie BERNAUER, Tim Gruene, Klaas
Decanniere) as well as a local victim who happened to cross my path, the
printer is now configured.

I am now using Kups (the KDE front end to CUPS). The printer works, is
happy... (but don't quote me on that! I am not so good at figuring the
state of mind of printers).

One of the first questions asked by the printer configuration tool was
something like "Do you want to use CUPS? button Yes button No"

With the manual at hand, and not knowing what should have been typed in, I
had clicked on "No". I think that was the big mistake that led to the
trouble that followed.

The problem was solved by:

erasing the entry in printcap;
re-starting the printer configuration utility;
answering "Yes" to the very first question.

The rest was a piece of cake  :-)



s-mail: F.M.D. Vellieux (B.Sc., Ph.D.)
        Institut de Biologie Structurale J.-P. Ebel CEA CNRS UJF
        41 rue Jules Horowitz
        38027 Grenoble Cedex 01
Tel:    (+33) (0) 438789605
Fax:    (+33) (0) 438785494
e-mail: vellieux@ibs.fr
 Don't even think of asking me: "I would              Het leven is genieten
  if I could, but I can't" (L.R., 1998)               (to live is to enjoy)