Version 1.0.40 (29 Jan 2013)
Installation and launching
- CCP4-6.1.13 (may also work with 6.1.2 and 6.1.3)
- Coot-0.6.1 (is required for the tutorials below)
Both packages can be downloaded form CCP4 downloads
- Download JLigand.jar
- Launch JLigand by double clicking the JLigand.jar icon
Linux and Mac OS X
- Download JLigand.jar into a directory <Directory>
- tcsh: Append the following line to ~/.tcshrc or ~/.cshrc
alias jligand java -jar <Directory>/JLigand.jar
bash: Append the following line to ~/.bashrc
alias jligand="java -jar <Directory>/JLigand.jar"
- Open a new terminal window and launch JLigand by typing jligand in the command line
- A new ligand (JLigand, Refmac, Coot)
- A new link and composite ligand (JLigand, Refmac, Coot)
- Metal-containing ligand (JLigand)
NB. The last tutorial requires new versions of libcheck, refmac5 and monomer library.
All these can be downloaded from
(executables of both libcheck and refmac5
are in refmac5.6_linux.tar.gz and refmac5.6_macintel.tar.gz)
Andrey Lebedev
Last modified: Tue Jan 29 23:00:32 GMT 2013