Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
clipper::CMiniMolMiniMol container
clipper::MAtomMiniMol atom object
clipper::MAtomIndexClass for holding the indices of an atom within a MiniMol molecule class
clipper::MAtomIndexSymmetryClass for holding the indices of an atom within a MiniMol molecule class
clipper::MAtomNonBondFind atoms in the vicinity of some coordinate in real space
clipper::MiniMolMiniMol lightweight coordinate model object
clipper::MMDBfileMMDB file object for MiniMol i/o
clipper::MModelMiniMol model object
clipper::MMoleculeSequenceMolecule sequence object
clipper::MMonomerMiniMol monomer (e.g. residue) object
clipper::MPolymerMiniMol polymer (e.g. chain) object
clipper::MPolymerSequencePolymer sequence object
clipper::MSequenceAlignSequence alignment obeject
clipper::SEQfileSEQ file object for MiniMol sequence i/o

Generated on 4 Jan 2010 for Clipper_minimol by  doxygen 1.6.1